The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Anyone Can Show You a Path – But Only You Can Walk It

Anyone Can Show You a Path, But Only You Can Walk It

It doesn’t matter what the choices are, the decision is yours and yours alone.

I made a decision that I would choose my own path in this life. Though my choice has been imperfect, and I have stumbled and struggled along the way, I am still glad I made that decision.

Why? Because I believe that I have taken control of my life. I am not just going through the motions and allowing life to live me. Nope. I am making choices and decisions in order to set my life in motion the way I desire it to be.

a pathThere are infinite paths to be found or created. Between the number of people in the world and how many paths each may seek in a given lifetime, there are probably trillions of options out there.

But no matter what path you may be shown, you are the only one who can choose to take a walk along it.

I share my path not because I expect you are on the same path. More than likely, you are not. I share my path to both help me in walking it, and to show you that it can be done. Sharing my path is intended to serve as inspiration for you.

So you may see a path, but you will only be on it if you choose to be.

You cannot choose for anyone else

A lot of people get caught up in the idea that they can help people. You want to show someone something, help them along in their life, assist wherever and however you can.

I may know a thing or two about this. Though a part of why I share my philosophy is for me, so as to collect my thoughts and explore how it is going, part of it is for you. Yes, it is my intent to help you make your life into the best life that you can turn it into.

Ultimately I desire to do something to help make the world a better place. I believe that if more people recognized and acknowledged their own empowerment, we could really push back against those who use disempowerment to keep the “control” they perceive themselves as having.

I believe that it’s a noble idea. However, no matter how many ways I show you the path or the various aspects of finding or creating a path for yourself, I can’t walk it for you. I cannot, and would not, force you to choose a path. It is entirely up to you.

Why? Because nobody but you can choose for you. No matter what I may intend, or you intend, unless someone wants to change, and chooses to take action, they can’t and won’t. This can be a bitter pill to swallow, in especial when you deeply desire to help people. Especially those you care about.

Further, along the same line, you also have the option of making no decision at all about your choices. You can do what I did for a long time – stand at a crossroads and be indecisive because you are afraid of choosing the wrong path.

Making no choice is still a choice

When you decide not to choose that is still a choice. It’s a very soft and flabby choice, relatively speaking, but a choice none-the-less.

Not choosing, some people believe, opens you up to the Universe giving you an answer. That’s the part of ideas like the Law of Attraction, The Secret, and the power of positive thinking that people tend to misunderstand. Surrendering to the Universe is good, but there has to be a combination of thought, feeling, and most importantly, action, to gain any ground.

Action, for many people, is the toughest part. In particular when it comes to intentional action. Intent behind the action is how you consciously create reality. It is the action of making a decision in regards to your choices and choosing.

Simple on paper, much harder in reality.

What if you choose wrong? What if you choose poorly? There will be consequences. But in general, the fears you have about those consequences tend to be worse than what will actually happen.

This is why I have neglected to make a choice on more than one occasion. I didn’t commit to a relationship, or I didn’t take the chance and move somewhere unfamiliar for the career-minded job, or I stood at a crossroads between multiple options unable to choose one for fear of getting it wrong. My choice was to make no choice at all.

No path being intentionally walked meant my life mostly stagnated. The consequence was that life got to live me for a while. I know some people are perfectly content with that…I am not one of those people, however.

A path you choose is not set in stone

One of the reasons people get paralyzed when it comes time to make choices and take intentional actions is fear. Fear stays many a hand when it comes to direction and going where you desire to take your life. The fear you feel can appear as a means to protect yourself, or to protect other persons in your life.

Whatever the case may be, an important thing to remember is that no path is set in stone. No choice is absolutely permanent. You can leave the relationship, quit the job, move from the place, leave the location you are visiting, end the friendship, and so on. Just because you have chosen a path to travel doesn’t mean you are stuck on that path.

This is why it’s important to recognize and acknowledge that there are always multiple options. Undoubtedly there will be times when your options will be limited. It may be an either/or situation you encounter. However, a choice made today can be changed tomorrow.

Granted, there are times when changing a path is really not easy. Sometimes it even looks virtually impossible. But it never is. You are empowered to make choices and decide what paths, if any, you will walk in life.

Further, you have the power to leave one path for another, before a given path is concluded, too.

You are a trailblazer

Human beings are amazingly powerful creators. One of the most fascinating aspects of our species, though, is how fear has evolved.

Like the rest of the animal kingdom, fear used to exist to protect us from tangible things that could harm us. Now, as the apparently dominant species on this planet, fear has turned towards mostly intangible matters.

One of the greatest fears people seem to face, and I know this from dealing with it myself, is that we are too powerful. To quote Marianne Williamson:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.”

Because your choices are nearly limitless, you can create unbelievable things material or immaterial.

The fear of the consequences of what you may create, I believe, is one of the things that keeps people from choosing a path. When all is said and done, this is a direct reflection of our fear-based society. Rather than being afraid of creating, we should be encouraging, excited, and looking forward to the potential.

Even imperfect and bad creations can serve a purpose. Whatever the case may be, you can choose a path that makes you feel good, and advances the purpose you feel you have in this life.

Anyone can show you a path, but only you can choose to walk it. It doesn’t matter what the choices are, the decision is yours and yours alone. You are thus empowered to explore all of your potential, possibility, and innate awesomeness.

What path will you choose to take today?


This is the four-hundred and first entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life to consciously create reality.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. I also desire to empower myself and my readers with conscious reality creation.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share this.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available (FOR FREE THIS WEEK AS OF TOMORROW!) here. My additional writing works, both fiction and non-fiction, are available here.

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