The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What is Morality?

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Morality is a matter that gets skirted around a lot these days.

Unless you are living under a rock, and to some degree I kind of envy you if you are, you see the travesty happening in the United States Senate currently.  The hearings for the President’s Supreme Court nominee are a total circus.  Despite multiple accusations of sexual misconduct, there is almost an entire party, comprised largely of old white guys, pushing to confirm this surreal inhuman being to the highest court in the land.

MoralityIn support of the women who have come forward thus far, I know an absolutely startling number of people who have been posting #whyididntreport.  That we live in a society where this is still such a devastating issue is pretty damned depressing.

So let’s talk about something that we tend to sweep under the table.  Morality.

What exactly is morality?  To put it simply, this is the principles we live by to make the distinctions between right and wrong.  This is a singular tenet of basic human existence…but frequently it gets lumped in with spirituality and religion.

I have written in the past about how religion, spirituality and morality are three separate tenets.  All you have to do is look at the United States Congress to see so-called “religious” people who are clearly amoral and almost certainly lacking any spirituality.

One of the biggest misidentifications of morality comes of grouping it with religion.  Frequently we are told that the “morals” of a given religious entity matter more than another.  Let’s face it, if you want to get really technical, most religious wars are less about concepts of God(s) and more about comparative moralities.

If our so-called leaders were actually moral, then the nomination would have been withdrawn with the first accusation.

Morality varies wildly

So here is where this all gets super-muddy.  Please note – I am not saying that this is right, but I am pointing out that it is a matter of comparative morality.

Some argue that a man has the right to take as he wants.  By their moral code, a woman is lesser.  This is why women get paid two-thirds what their male counterparts make; this is why the victims, particularly female rape and assault victims, are so frequently shamed; it is because of this that there are laws governing women’s health and none their equal governing men’s health.

If this is comparative morality, doesn’t this make this viewpoint “right”, from a certain point of view?  No.  Why?  Because we are all created equal.

When you get beneath the skin, plumb into the depths of our microscopic existence and beyond, we are all just beings of pure energy.  None of us are greater nor lesser than any others.  All such beliefs are the construct of our corporeal existences.

Because we are all equal, the treatment of any as being lesser, whether it is due to gender, race, skin color, hair color, religion, sex, national identity, or what-have-you, is not moral.  This is because it is wrong to treat people as lesser for these artificially constructed reasons.

Yes, morality is a totally personal notion.  My morals are probably different from yours in many ways.  But there are certain things that are universally wrong.  While there are certainly a number of grey and rainbow-hued areas in-between, there are still outright matters of right and wrong.

One of the largest and most egregious wrongs is treated people as lesser.  Nobody should be made to feel that they are unimportant because of the color of their skin or their genitalia or anything else.

Morality is as simple as it is complex

In too many respects, the idea of morality has been corrupted.  If you don’t believe me, look at those who put an emphasis on “family values” when it comes to politics.  How many of the supposedly religious men they support are on their second, third, or fourth marriage, or have had affairs, or are corrupt in some other way?

Important side-note – I am using marriage as an example specific to these “family values” politicians.  There is nothing morally wrong with divorce, non-traditional forms of marriage, and various other relationships between people.  Period, end of story.

Because of this corruption of the concept of morality, we have these so-called leaders in office who continue to make it abundantly clear that the only people they represent is themselves.  It is senseless, depressing, and disheartening.  But this is a war that each of us can win.

Morality can be a source of hope

Consciousness creates reality.  If you and I approach the world from a place of morality that isn’t about superiority, and focuses on abundance and equality, we can develop change.  When we take the time to better our own lives, and to not just believe the people who have been hurt, assaulted, raped, or otherwise made to feel lesser, but stand with them to change the way this system is currently working, we can develop a better reality.

The women and men posting #whyididntreport are not doing so for sympathy…they are doing so to prove that nobody is alone, that we all have people we can stand side-by-side with.  This is how we show those who disbelieve the reality of the world…and work to change it.

We have an opportunity amidst some terrible chaos to develop new order.  We can begin to work with our individual thoughts, feelings and actions to alter the false morality with a truer morality.  When we work together we can manifest better for everyone.

Is your morality one of equality, abundance, and joy for all?


This is the three-hundred fifty-second entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way, and empower myself and my readers with conscious reality creation.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.

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