What Does The Future is Now Mean?
The future is now.
I always thought that an odd phrase. But then, when you take the Law of Attraction into account, it makes perfect sense.
Consciousness creates reality. In being conscious of the here-and-now, the future is made.
If our present reality is the result of our past thoughts, feelings, and actions, then by being wholly in the now and totally aware and present we create the future. As such, the future is now.
I have spent this week working through some conflicting emotions, and the truth that we live in an abundant universe, with more than enough for you, me, those assholes in Washington DC, and everyone else. For the first time in too long, I even posted an update about my life over on my author website.
That got me thinking about the future. There are things I intend to be doing, and they happen to be ahead of me.
Why are they ahead of me and not in the now? Because they are dependent on things I do not have right now…but will have very, very soon.
Yes I am being somewhat vague about this on purpose. But the point remains the same. An event that is occurring soon (which happens to be out of my control, so I cannot change the when) will allow me to take certain actions.
If the future is now in fact, then right here and now, while I may not be able to act, I CAN and should think and feel that which I desire. Think these things as already done, feel what that feels like…and manifest, consciously create an awesome reality.
In order to do this, I need to work past those conflicting emotions, and get excited. The thought is there. But the feeling needs to meet it.
The future is now should be the future is IN the now
Modern society is terrible at being present. I mean, look at all the times we “look back” to the past. Rather than forge ahead and continue to progress as we did under Obama, Trump focused on a past that never existed, by campaigning with “Make America Great Again.” As if the nation were lesser in the now.
But that all ties into the lack and scarcity mentality the leaders of the world enjoy pushing. Lack and scarcity allows for building a foundation of fear, and when we get fearful, we seek solutions frequently from without. Ergo, we turn to these people who present so-called solutions, when in truth they are giving nothing that doesn’t further their own ambitions and illusion of power.
This IS an abundant universe. I write this to remind not only you, but myself. We can create nearly anything we can imagine. The Universe is energy, and everything in the cosmos is at its root also energy. All energy vibrates at a frequency, and like attracts like. Low frequency energies are negative, high frequency energies are positive. As such, the more good we think, feel and act on the more we attract to ourselves.
I write this often. Why? Because in our modern society, it feels like a lie. Because of what we are fed by the media, it is hard to believe. But it is still the truth.
Every single self-help author discusses this. From the best to the worst, the most realistic to the most pie-in-the-sky, the law of attraction and universal abundance is their jam. Most of the great spiritual teachers said the same thing, though a lot of their mouthpieces misinterpret that. But it is still the truth.
The future is now when we feel it is
Feeling, for me, has always been the challenge. I need to work extra hard to be aware of how and what I am feeling. It can be frustrating, which of course is no help to the process.
I also need to work on my motivation. All too often I get sidetracked by this, that or the other thing. I get distracted, and then time gets away from me and plans do not get acted upon. This in turn frequently leads me to feel even more irked with myself…and that, of course, does not help me get where I desire to go.
Armed with this knowledge, and awareness that the future is now, I need to get to work. Feel excitement for these things that are coming, feel good about it, and take the intentional actions I desire, in order to manifest the things I wish to create.
Meditate. Do not get caught within my own head. Be present. Be in the now. Most of all, I need to JUST BE.
Alright, there is plenty for me to do today. As always, thank you for crossing the bridges between my worlds with me.
This is the ninety-fifth entry of my personal journey, the Crossing the Bridges series. My collectively published writing can be found here.
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