The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 170

Lack of focus makes manifestation difficult, if not impossible.

One of my biggest issues with creating the life I want and really, truly walking my path is a lack of focus. I know what I want to do, I have the idea of how I want my life to be…but I can’t focus enough on the here-and-now to make this happen.

Last week I wrote about removing negativity from my focus. To do this I stated three steps: 1) Don’t focus on the things completely outside of my control. 2) Acknowledge my shortcomings, but don’t stay with them past that acknowledgement. 3) Mindfulness. Keep mindful of who I want to be.

This is what I need to work on the most. Not just in order to keep from focusing on negativity, but to have focus overall. I get so scattered, spread so thin between a variety of things – I manage to not accomplish many of the goals I set out to.

This is not to belittle the things that I DO accomplish. Which is important. I do get things done, I do achieve goals that I set. However it is more haphazard and random than I would wish it to be.

Wishing is another problem. Certainly it is important to have goals and aspirations and desires and to wish for things to be…but things do not simply manifest of thin air. There needs to be intention, there needs to be thought and feeling and action.

The trouble I run into at times is that I find my attention split between multiple things. Some are very much in the here-and-now, like the day-to-day activities of my job. Some are plans for the future, ideas I want to explore or projects I want to work on.

The main issue, I believe, is that I lack focus. I have all these thoughts and ideas and such, but no focus. I know what I want, I know what it is I want to do, I know where I want to be…at least I think I do. But what do I focus on?

There are several outcomes I can envision for the paths I am walking. In several instances they are focused and well-considered, and I have no doubt about where they will land me. But in other aspects of my life I have at least some concept of where I want matters to turn up, but not clarity.

This falls to a lack of focus on my part. I have a vague idea, I have notions and generalizations for what I desire, but my focus is lacking, if it is present at all. This is where I am having trouble with manifesting.

I know without a doubt that this is possible, because I have done it before. Yes, I have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. Years ago, when severely injured, I knew I would heal completely. No doubt, no other possibility, the whole of my being focused on my complete and total healing. My entire entity was focused on this outcome, and sure enough that is what I got.

Yes, I know I had incredible doctors working on me. Yes, I had great therapists to help me heal. But even they were stunned by the speed and totality of my recovery, and I do not doubt that my intent and focus and drove me to the manifestation of complete and total recovery.

A year ago I needed to replace my dying car. I knew what I had to do, and I put my focus and my energy into manifesting exactly that. I stated the outcome, and I got what I said I would.

Yes I found a dealership willing to take my old car in trade and a finance guy able to cut me an excellent deal. Yes, there were circumstances that all came into alignment here, but I had all the necessary focus and attention to line them up as needed to achieve my desired outcome.

So I have done this before. Yet I keep asking why I cannot do it again and again, and I know that the answer is focus. I have the drive, I have the desire, I have the thoughts and feelings and will to take the actions. But without focus, without truly setting my intention and knowing just what precisely I want, I am simply going through the motions.

I am on a path I have chosen. Despite unexpected twists and turns and all the obstacles a given path might have, focus is the GPS. I may take a wrong turn here and there, I might get distracted, but if I keep focused I will still manage to arrive at my intended destination.

How do I reclaim my focus? This is the challenge I am facing right now. I know at least one of the paths before me I am focused on and certain of the outcome, but the others not-so-much. I need to sit down and write out just what those paths are, and I need to write out not only the thoughts and feelings and actions I need to put in place to walk those paths, but how to set my focus on them. I need to know precisely what I want, not just some non-specific idea of it.

I need to adjust my language, and take last week’s notions of not just removing negative focus, but creating positive focus. I need to take the three things I considered last week in order to walk away from negativity, and alter my language to instead create three steps to build positive focus. As such: 1) Focus on only the things inside of my control. 2) Acknowledge my strengths. Recognize my achievements. 3) Mindfulness. Keep mindful of who I want to be. Be mindful of my focus for the goals I set at the end of the paths before me.

Next week I will take a more in depth look at what I specifically need to focus upon. There is a lot of work ahead of me, in a multitude of ways. Thanks for joining me as I take a new approach to the paths I want to walk.

What do you have your focus on?


This is the one-hundred seventieth entry in my series. These weekly posts are specifically about walking along the path of life, and my personal desire to make a difference in this world along the way. Feel free to re-blog and share.  Thank you for joining me.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available in print and for your Kindle.

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