The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why is How I See Myself Important

How I see myself is of far more importance than how other people see me. Jen Sincero said it well in You Are a Badass – Self Perception is a Zoo.  It is a bunch of very different, multiple, diverse animals we keep caged up, but let run free in the world from time to time. There are at least five ways in which I see myself in this world.  Different identities that I tend to show the world. The

We Deserve It All

I deserve all the good things I desire. Over the last several months I have had a mantra I have recited with much frequency.  I am abundant and prosperous.  I am a good person, worthy and deserving of abundance, prosperity, success, wealth and joy.  Succeed or fail, I am supported and I am loved. Taking an online course offered by Jen Sincero, author if my favorite self-help book, You Are A Badass, she calls this creation a Mantra of Mightiness. 

Why Seek Positivity? Just Because.

The world needs more positivity.  Why?  Just because, that’s why. When we have more positivity in our lives, we feel better.  When you get right down to our fundamental motivations, feeling good is pretty much the main driving force for everyone for everything. Positivity does not need to be complex.  It can be insanely simple.  Everyday things like dogs and cats, sunshine, interestingly shaped clouds, a cup of coffee, the antics of a small child, moonlight, laughter, the feel of