The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 252

It’s not that there always needs to be a fixed destination.  Life is about the journey, after all, so it is certainly both logical and even necessary that from time to time you walk a path, but the goal is not wholly clear. Yes, it is important to have an idea, to have a plan.  But sometimes there are days where you just are on the paths, walking along, and though you have an end goal in mind, it is

Positivity: A metaphor for Safety

Even with the safety harness, you don’t want to lose your balance and fall. I recently did a “treetop” ropes course.  Various obstacles to be crossed, thirty-five feet in the air, including rope bridges and tightropes and other challenging constructs.  You cross the obstacles from platform to platform in a harness on a secure line, but you still don’t want to fall. It occurs to me, however, that this is an interesting metaphor of our lives.  Even when we fall,

Crossing the Bridges: The Illusion of Time

Where does the time go when it’s not around here? Ever feel like you are always chasing time?  Like no matter what you do, there is seldom enough or it runs out or expires or what-have-you? Of course, it doesn’t help that time is completely and totally subjective.  The great scientist Albert Einstein famously said, “Time is an illusion.”  Douglas Adams even expanded upon that in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy with “Time is an illusion.  Lunchtime doubly so.”

Pathwalking 251

Consciousness creates reality. I write that a lot.  Why?  Because this is the truth. Consciousness creates our reality.  What we concentrate on, give thought and feeling and energy and action to, we create.  We manifest things into our life, and we build or destroy our personal world. I know that for a lot of people this seems like total BS.  We live in a world that seems to be beyond our control.  We didn’t manifest our debts, our illnesses, the

Positivity: Combating Lethargy

Some days you wake up, and you are ready to go. Some days you awaken, and you just don’t want to get out of bed. There are mornings where it is all about being energized.  Happy, looking forward to the day, ready to face anything that comes your way. There ae mornings where it is all about the snooze button.  Don’t want to get out of bed.  Don’t want to go to work.  Ready to face nothing and wishing to

Crossing the Bridges: Self Promotion vs Narcissism

There is a fine line between narcissism and self-promotion. The former is when absolutely everything is all about YOU, and in no way beneficial to anyone else.  A narcissist practically screams, “Look at me! LOOK AT ME!  See the things I am doing?  Pay attention to me!” The latter is somewhat about you, but it is also about sharing.  There is some benefit for other people.  A self-promoter says, “Hey, I did this thing.  Please take a look at it. 

Pathwalking 250

Decide to decide. I cannot tell you how many times in my life I have found myself at some crossroads or other because I refused to decide to decide. Decision making is only challenging if you choose for it to be so. For a lot of my life, I was the King of Indecision.  I totally should have bought myself a crown. When I made the decision to take action for the New Year, nearly five years ago now, it

Positivity: Changing Habits

Habits can be changed. What is a habit?  A habit is a thing you do regularly, to the point where it is almost involuntary.  You just do it, hardly thinking about it.  It is your way. Some habits are neutral, like bathing and napping and using the blinker in your car to signal lane changes.  Some are good, like holding doors for people, changing empty toilet paper rolls and picking up litter.  Some are bad, like smoking or always interrupting

Crossing the Bridges: Life in Multiple Worlds

I feel as if I live in multiple worlds sometimes. See if this is familiar for you in any way. First, there is Professional Me.  I hold a job, I pay my bills, I do the necessary things one does to live in this society.  I also happen to be involved in civics, as I serve as President of a local Chamber of Commerce. Second, there is Author Me.  I keep this blog, I write and edit novels.  I constantly

Pathwalking 249

How do you want to feel? This is an important question I do not think we ask of ourselves enough.  Not only do we not ask of ourselves, How do I feel?  But neither do we ask, How do I want to feel? It is easy to forget that when all is said and done, I and I alone am responsible for how I feel.  Period. Whether or not I feel good or bad, happy or sad, anxious or excited,