The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Labor Day

Today in the United States is Labor Day. The most positive thing about this day is the victory achieved that made it so that there are no more sweat shops in this nation, so that we have protections about getting breaks during the work day, and other privileges we often take for granted. Many people’s sacrifices and struggles and hard work made this day possible, and that is a positive thing. Fighting for something good that you believe in is

Equal Rights and Religious Freedom

The United States of America is NOT, repeat, NOT a Christian Country. Period. End of discussion. Further, please correct me if I am mistaken, but didn’t Jesus preach equality? From the low to the high, all are children of God and should be respected as such? Who do you think you are claiming your hatred, your bigotry, your discrimination, or your misogyny is in the name of God? Let’s discuss another absolute fact. There is no war against Christianity in

Pathwalking 192

Today is my birthday. My birthday is my personal New Year’s Day. So what? What does that have to do with Pathwalking? If this is the start of a new year, then it is the perfect opportunity to set new actions to take. I have written before that I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions, but rather New Year’s actions. Resolving is a passive concept, while taking action is direct. It is through one of my first new year’s

My Birthday gift to YOU

In celebration of my birthday tomorrow, I have decided to do a FREE promotion of Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book I) for the Kindle. Please spread the word to all your friends! Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book I) – FREE for Kindle tomorrow (September 2nd) and Thursday (September 3rd). Denied his powers, a prophesied sorcerer must reclaim what he’s lost. Caught up in a rebellion between a powerful King and his equally strong-willed daughter in a land where sorcery is

Positivity: The Good

Sometimes it’s really easy to lose sight of the many good things we have in our lives. If you are reading this, chances are you live in a place where you have freedom, where you are encouraged to think for yourself, where you have opportunities to grow and change and to do and be the things you desire. When I watch the news of the world I sometimes get caught up in just how awful some people’s lives are. The

Seeker – Kindle Countdown Sale

In celebration of my birthday next week, I have decided to do a FREE promotion of Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book I) for the Kindle. I would GREATLY appreciate if you would spread the word to all your friends! Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book I) – FREE for Kindle September 2nd and 3rd  (next Wednesday and Thursday) in celebration of my birthday! Denied his powers, a prophesied sorcerer must reclaim what he’s lost. Caught up in a rebellion between a

Pathwalking 191

Do you have a tendency to second-guess yourself? I do. It has often been, as far as I can tell, one of the main causes of my indecisive moments. I make a decision, sure…but then I second guess it. Pathwalking is about choosing a path and making your own way. I have the idea, I have the notion I know what I want to do with the given path. But…but what if I have it all wrong? It was recently

Positivity: The small stuff

How do you find positivity when you are thoroughly inundated by negativity? I am frequently amazed by just how many negative things can be found across the internet. In especial, social media is frequently used as an outlet to complain about politics, social dynamics and other life matters. I see so many more complaints than commendations, it can be rather disheartening. This is of course the reason why I started this particular weekly post. I needed to put something positive

Pathwalking 190

More than once I have reiterated that no one but you can choose your own path. For some people this is really easy. They just KNOW without any doubts who they are and what they want to be. They answer whatever calling they receive – whether it’s to be a doctor, a member of clergy, a pro athlete, an artist, a teacher and so on. For some, they go where they are pointed. Someone at some point told them that

Positivity: How do you feel?

How do you feel? You probably get this question or some variable of it a lot. How are you? How you feeling? How’s it going? It is also highly probable that more often than not you either ignore the question, or give a non-committal eh or ok or fine or good or such. This is a more important question than we give weight to, and it is in truth a powerful tool for generating positivity. How DO you feel? It’s

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