The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Does the World Need More Positivity?

The world needs more positivity.

Why?  Because when we feel positive, we feel good.  When we feel good, we enhance the ability to draw more good to ourselves.  As such, we empower ourselves.  When we are empowered, we are capable of almost anything.

Unfortunately, we are living in a fear-based society.  We are inundated with negativity, we are told that there is lack and scarcity, and that we should fear the unknown, the untested, and the unfamiliar.  We sensationalize things to fear, and we continue as such to draw more to us.

The downside of instantaneous global communications is that we are hyper-aware of every single thing that happens.  Trouble is, what we are kept the most informed about is bad news.  Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, war and various atrocities dominate the news media.  As if that weren’t enough, to score higher ratings they strive to sensationalize these negative things, which just gives them more power.

And just to add insult to injury, the rise of fake news and opinion and blind faith in place of science and research makes it worse.  Fear mongers, religious leaders and conspiracy theorists have become all-too-readily accepted.  The negativity they are spewing fuels society’s fires.

We can overcome them, however.  But to do this, we can’t fight fire with fire.  We need to fight fire with water, dark with light.  We need to find and express more positivity.  We need to turn away from the negativity, and stop empowering it.  We need to overcome the fear with every positive tool we can muster.

The key is Positivity.

If we can focus more on finding the good in the world, we can use it to supplant the bad.  Like attracts like, that’s the Law of Attraction.  When we focus on positivity, we can attract more of it to us.  We can empower ourselves, and when we feel empowered we are capable of helping to empower others.

Even if you think the notion of the Law of Attraction is bunk, what harm is there in creating more positivity?  Does anyone really enjoy living in fear?  Does anyone really want to be lacking?  Does anyone want to feel bad, hurt, sad, or otherwise negative?  If we strive more to feel positive and good, we can disrupt the fear.

I am not suggesting ignoring the world around us.  But instead of feeding the hate, the fear, the lack…we need to find the love, the peace, the abundance.  We are better than this.  We each are empowered to discover that.  That is where positivity comes in, and that is why the world needs more of it.

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require action.

Knowing that we live in a fear-based society, we can choose if we want to feed the fear, or overcome it.  When we create more positivity in the world, we can break from the negativity, we can disempower the fear and in turn empower ourselves.  When we feel empowered, we often spread that feeling to others around us, and as such can build more positive feelings in the collective consciousness.  We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings.  When we take away negative feelings, we open up space to let in positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for.  Gratitude leads to happiness.  Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude.  Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.


This is the one hundred seventy-eighth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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