The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Perception is Entirely On You

Perception is Entirely On You Nobody else can see the world through your eyes or from the inside of your head except for you. There is nobody inside your head but you. The only person who can think, feel, and do for you is you. It is nearly impossible to be completely cut-off from the world. So many things are constantly happening, and the connectivity between everyone via smartphones, the internet and such is a mixed blessing and curse. You

What Is Reality?

Reality is how we perceive the world around us.  It both is and isn’t that simple, of course. No less an authority than Albert Einstein said, “Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one.”  What that means is that what we perceive as our reality is different for everyone. To me, this thoroughly supports the notion that consciousness creates reality.  Since the reality we perceive is completely individual, and a persistent illusion, isn’t it completely logical that we can create