The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Stumbling Over Old Beliefs along my Path

Practicing mindfulness alone doesn’t always open the door to change old beliefs. One of the key elements of Pathwalking is using mindfulness to consciously create reality. Ergo, I am doing things to better myself and create the life I most desire to live. There are two super-frustrating things I cannot seem to get out of my head. These are my thought processes when it comes to money and when it comes to weight loss/body consciousness. Specifically, these are brain weasels

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I have recently realized that there is tremendous importance in addressing and altering old, outdated, underlying beliefs. Pathwalking addresses the idea of taking control of my own life and my own destiny, and choosing and walking my own unique path.  One of the key things I return to in this process is that consciousness creates reality.  It is possible to manifest an amazing life, if I take the time to think, feel, and take inspired action to make it happen.