The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What is Reality?

What is reality? Wiser men and women than me have been pondering this question for almost as long as we came down from the trees.  But for our everyday purposes, reality is this moment.  Reality is the world we experience, here and now. Much of what we consider reality is, however, an illusion.  Even brilliant scientist Albert Einstein told us this: “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” But what does that mean?  Simply put our individual

How are we Luminous Beings?

“Luminous beings are we – not this crude matter.” – Yoda. Sure, this quote comes from a small green Muppet in an epic sci-fi story…but that does not lessen the truth of the statement.  At our core we are beings of pure energy.  The meat popsicles we see running around the planet are not who we are when all is said and done. Why does this matter?  Because we are beings of pure energy, rather than these bodies we present

How Does Loss Effect You?

Loss is a part of Pathwalking. Because life is ever changing, and because we are not static creatures, we will experience losses along our paths.  Some are good for us, some less so.  The hardest loss to take is that of a friend or loved one. When we lose people, grief is different for every one of us.  In a society where we often look at the “norms”, how we grieve is one of those things that no two people