The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

You Get to Practice Kindness Daily

You Get to Practice Kindness Daily Like many things in life, this is a choice. All too often, I encounter stories about the terrible things certain people are doing to other people. They are mean, selfish, unkind, inhumane, and often rather astounding. It makes me wonder when it became acceptable to be rude, discourteous, and otherwise inconsiderate? The when doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that I know that I am capable of acting in a way to turn

Four Hundred Weeks of Pathwalking

Four hundred weeks of Pathwalking – the passage of time can be surreal. Just before the start of 2012, I determined that I needed to write more. One way to do so would be to blog weekly. My blog website, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, had been up since April of 2010. From time to time I was posting there, but not regularly. Determined to make a New Years’ Action, rather than a flabby, easily disregarded resolution, I chose

Using Attitude Shifters for Positivity

Creating and Using Attitude Shifters for Positivity When you use mindfulness to consciously create your reality, positivity can be a real game-changer. Positive thinking is not everything. You cannot just think positive and change your life. There needs to also be feeling and action to create change. However, having a positive attitude will help. This is because like attracts like – consciousness creates reality. Therefore, if you think this is stupid, impossible, and cannot be done – that’s probably your

Getting into Your Element

Getting into your element involves finding and entering a positive place to recharge your mind, body, and spirit. Everyone has a place or places that they like to go to in order to reset. I am not talking about taking a trip or vacation, or even a huge amount of time. No, this is all about discovering your element and spending time there. What is an element? For me, my element tends to be the outdoors. I love hiking, the

You Will Walk More Than One Path

You Will Walk More Than One Path Though it may seem daunting, this is a really good thing. When you are working with conscious reality creation and choosing a path for your life, it is important to recognize that there is not just more than one path, but that you will choose different paths at different times. But this is a very good thing. Why? Because what you desire for your life in your twenties is not going to be

Who Controls Your Fate?

You are not a victim of fate. Just because you were born into a certain circumstance, raised in a given environment, got the education that you did, and hold the job you hold, you are not trapped. Fate is not written in stone. You have the power to change your fate. People tend to want to believe in fate because it means that they have a purpose. Fate means there has to be a reason, and purpose, to living your

What is Your Why?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Why do you desire the things you desire? When you were a child, you believed you could do anything. Hell, you may even have believed that you could fly. You were open and eager and ready to explore and experience all the amazingness that life could offer you. Then, when you started school, depending on your experience, you either found even more paths to explore, and/or you

Who Should You Prove Yourself To?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You are worthy. You are deserving. There is nothing you have to do to prove yourself to anyone. It’s all-too-easy to get caught up in living up to the expectations of others, real and imagined. You want to be a good friend, lover, parent, sibling, child, human being, etc. Then, looking at the actions of others and seeing both good and bad, you hold yourself up to

Speaking Your Truth

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Speaking your truth is an incredible source of positivity. A lot of people may find this hard to believe, but that makes it no less true. When you speak your truth, you open yourself up because you are being your most true, genuine self. While it can be scary to show the world who you are by speaking your truth, it is unbelievably freeing. This is because

Most Decisions Are Not Permanent

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Few decisions that we make are truly permanent. I know that, for me at least, on more than one occasion I either made no choice, procrastinated about, or did not fully commit to a decision.  Why?  Because what if I made the wrong one? This is why recognizing that few decisions we make are truly permanent is so important to really living our lives. No matter how