The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why or Why Not?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Do you ever find that you are asking yourself why or why not a lot? Often the topic can be similar, but it’s just a matter of approach.  Why take that chance?  Why not take that chance? Why is a question we ask constantly, pretty much all of our lives.  Why is the sky blue?  Why are those people holding hands?  Why did he/she/they dump me?  And

Pathwalking 153

How do you Pathwalk in the face of cynicism and skepticism? These two concepts are often confused and mixed, but still amount to much the same thing. In the simplest of terms, a cynic does not believe in selflessness, whereas a skeptic questions the factuality of a given thing. Given today’s society, it should come as no surprise that these two notions are so prevalent, and that they are easy to confuse. And when it comes to Pathwalking I can