The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Is Being Genuine and True to Yourself Really All That Important?

Both in the now and the long run, being genuine and true to yourself matters tremendously. How do you react when you encounter someone who is a fake? I’m not writing about someone you later learn is a fake. I mean, right from the outset. They put on airs, they seem confident not quite to the point of arrogance – but nearly so – and they come across as not quite right, slightly off, overwrought, and maybe trying too hard.

Pathwalking 142

During the course of Pathwalking, I have frequently spoken about creating your own life. In walking your own path, one of the ideas is to control your destiny, and manifest the life you most want. There are obstacles, distractions, problems, complications, bumps and twists and turns along any given path. The journey, I have often stressed, is of equal if not greater import than the goal. Living in the here and now is vitally important to the end goal of