The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Can Gratitude for What You Have Get You What You Desire?

Yes. But it also alters what you genuinely desire in important, positive ways. Overall, I have an amazing life. I’m deeply grateful for all that I have. This begins with the basic necessities. This includes ample food, more than adequate shelter, and enough clothing that I need to donate things I seldom or never wear to a worthwhile charity. Beyond the basic necessities of life – food, clothing, shelter – I am incredibly grateful for the other “needs” that are

It’s Never Too Late

The positivity of realizing it’s never too late is spectacular. In the United States, at least, there’s a whole cultural phenomenon around “middle age.” Some people celebrate it while others lament it. And let’s be perfectly blunt here – “middle-aged” white men have a certain level of privilege that they take advantage of selfishly more often than selflessly. Because of the attention surrounding becoming “middle-aged” – there is also a whole idea of no longer being able to do certain

What is Your Why?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Why do you desire the things you desire? When you were a child, you believed you could do anything. Hell, you may even have believed that you could fly. You were open and eager and ready to explore and experience all the amazingness that life could offer you. Then, when you started school, depending on your experience, you either found even more paths to explore, and/or you

Are You Who You Desire to Be?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Are you who you desire to be? If not, why not? This is a simple question, certainly, but the answer is likely complicated. As children, we all have dreams and aspirations. You wanted to be an astronaut, or a firefighter, or a doctor, or an explorer seeking new lands and opportunities. The things you wanted to do as a child may have been realistic, or very out

What Do I Bring to The Universe?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures. What do I bring to the Universe?  This is a question I know a lot of people ask.  The answer, however, is simple. You. You are the one and only you that there is, and I am here to tell you that this is a great thing.  Yes, you are amazing, and what you bring to the Universe are your unique, incredible gifts, and the youness that is

Do You Deserve What You Desire?

Do you do things that you desire to do? It is all too easy to do things for other people, and to do things that are “expected” of us, and ignore what we desire for ourselves. Some of these desires are little things, like sitting down to read a book; eating ice cream; watching a video; taking a walk; playing a game; and so on. Then there are the desires to do big things, like take a vacation; start a

How Do I Change How I am Feeling?

To change anything in life, changing what I am feeling is the key. Conscious reality creation requires thought to begin, feeling to fuel the flames, and intentional action to ignite them.  For me, altering feeling is the toughest part of this. Last week I got to see Jen Sincero, author of You Are a Badass, speak.  Like her books, she was an inspiring speaker.  Unlike many of the other authors I have read or listened to, she manages to really

How Do Words Matter?

Words matter. The words we say matter.  But what matters more are the words we think.  In especial, those we think frequently, and those we use in reference to ourselves. Most of us are thinking constantly.  Hell, for a lot of us, the very notion of turning off our brains seems totally impossible.  One of the reasons why meditation is so healthy is because when we meditate it’s one of the few times we can stop the chatter. However, since

Does Self-Care Create Positivity?

Self-care is empowering. When we do things to care for our own health and wellbeing, we provide ourselves with the ability to give more to others. Self-care is not selfish. When we take care of our own needs; comfort; intellectual, emotional and physical stimulation, we actually are empowering ourselves to give more to others. Our smartphones can do incredible things.  They can find directions, connect us to friends and family, get us information across the globe, provide hours of entertainment,

Where Is My Intent?

I have been working with the question of the intent for my life a long time, now. For decades, my answer was usually, “I don’t know what I want.”  I became particularly skilled at saying “I don’t know”.  Over time, my indecision extended out to include restaurants, jobs, relationships, hairstyles…you name it.  When it came to decision-making, I left that to anyone else that I could. Less than ten years ago, however, I began to really think about what I