The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Can Rethinking Be Applied to Anything and Everything?

Rethinking is vital to self-awareness, change, and life overall. It’s also applicable to positivity. On Monday, February 4 of 2014, I saw something that distressed me. Across social media – Facebook and Twitter specifically – negativity. Lots, and lots of negativity. People were seemingly just miserable. Lamenting the start of the workweek, stressing out about deadlines and expectations, and utterly unhappy and negative overall. That got me thinking. What, if anything, can I do to help? Is there some way

What is Best for You?

Doing what is best for you does not make you a bad person. A lot of people have come to the idea that if they care for themselves or put themselves first, it makes them a bad person.  It looks selfish.  They might feel as if other people will see them in a poor light. Self-care is so, so much more important than we make it, folks.  We need to better care for ourselves, and that means that doing what

Can Logic and Emotion Coexist?

Can logic and emotion coexist? There are many times that these two notions seem diametrically opposed.  And yet they do both exist in everyone.  But the balance and conflict between these concepts can be surreal at times. First, a necessary clarification.  Logic, in this particular example, is thought and reason without emotion.  This includes the performance of any number of actions, tangible or otherwise, with no emotional entanglements. To super-simplify this, the root of the issue is heart versus head.

Why Be Polite?

It costs us nothing to be polite. When did we become so impolite?  What happened that, as a society, we accepted rudeness, inconsiderate people, and selfishness to be the norm? Walking through some stores, I was stunned how many people just cut us off, stopped in the dead center of a busy aisle for no good reason, passed dirty looks when I said excuse me, and let their children just run about without a care.  I thought about it, and

How Are Our Persons Different From People?

The people who become our persons in this life can be an amazing source of Positivity. If, like me, you find that overall people make you crazy, you understand this distinction.  What it boils down to is those who we get close to in various ways are persons, as opposed to those who are the faceless masses we refer to as people. People in this sense tend to drive us nuts.  They cut you off on the road, they elect

An open letter to fellow Americans

Dear America, When did we accept hatred as the standard?  When did we decide that after almost a century of progress it was perfectly ok to allow unrestrained racists, sexists, bigots, misogynists, warmongers and fearmongers to be our leaders again?  When did we decide that it was better to praise and follow the blindly faithful and ignorant rather than the logical and intelligent? How did we get to this place where our choices for leadership from one party includes a