The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Make Choices for Everything That’s in Your Life’s Paths?

Because when you make choices, you take control. From the moment you wake up, you’re making choices in and for your life’s paths. Hit the snooze or get out of bed? Pee or feed the cats? Drink a glass of water or start the coffee? Shower now, later, or not at all? Though they might seem utterly mundane and insignificant – they still matter. Why? Because they’ll impact everything else you do today. Hit snooze, and you might doze off

Most Decisions Are Not Permanent

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Few decisions that we make are truly permanent. I know that, for me at least, on more than one occasion I either made no choice, procrastinated about, or did not fully commit to a decision.  Why?  Because what if I made the wrong one? This is why recognizing that few decisions we make are truly permanent is so important to really living our lives. No matter how

What Will be the Rewards and Consequences of my Decisions?

Conscious reality creation takes place in the now. We cannot undo the past, and as Yoda says, “Always in motion is the future.”  The only part of reality we truly control is the present. This week has marked several changes on my part.  All of them involved decisions.  One was in regards to changing this blog for its growth, one will close a long-standing issue I’ve spent more than half-a-decade trying to resolve.  In both instances I had to make