The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Can You Practice Self-Care While Still Caring About Others?

Yes, you absolutely can practice self-care while still caring about others. I’d like to debunk a few myths here. First – self-care is NOT selfish. Period, end of story. Yes, elements of self-care might appear selfish from without. Saying “no” for your mental health, refusing to participate in the drama of others, and no longer doing things that hurt you mentally and emotionally will appear selfish to others. Note – true selfishness involves intent. Malice of forethought. An action taken

Who Cares About What Path You’re On?

You care. Still, others who care can be a mirror reflecting something you need to see. I have no idea what path anyone else in this world is on. Sometimes it’s obvious. More often, it is not. Yet even when your path is apparent to me – I haven’t any idea what it is. That’s because I cannot get inside your head. Of course, conversely, you can’t get into mine, either. So, who cares? That doesn’t really matter – to

What is Best for You?

Doing what is best for you does not make you a bad person. A lot of people have come to the idea that if they care for themselves or put themselves first, it makes them a bad person.  It looks selfish.  They might feel as if other people will see them in a poor light. Self-care is so, so much more important than we make it, folks.  We need to better care for ourselves, and that means that doing what

How Does Caring Empower?

Caring for others will always increase Positivity. Human beings are social creatures.  Yes, there are introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts, but we all still have a basic need for some interaction.  Even the most introverted people I know still give and receive care. Caring and empathy are connected.  I believe that every reasonable person cares when they see others hurting, whether that is hurting spiritually, emotionally or physically.  Empathizing with people going through things can build tremendous positivity. When we express

How Does Praise Empower?

Everybody likes to receive praise. When you do a thing, and you do it well, receiving praise for it feels amazing.  It is incredibly empowering, and it serves as an affirmation of the choices you make along the way. For whatever reason, though, our modern society eschews praise.  We have an almost surreal talent for criticism, but when it comes to praise, we seem to display something of an aversion to it. I suspect that one of the reasons for