The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do I Adjust My Life’s Path – or – Does the Path Adjust Me?

The answer is Yes. Both the path and I adjust in various ways. The only constant in the entire Universe is Change. I repeat that a lot. Why? Because it can have a truly amazing impact on our life experiences when we recognize, acknowledge, and accept this truth. Everything you know – all the comfort zones you exist in – has changed before. They will change again. And then, after they change – they’ll still change. No matter how resistant

Ten Positive Things for your Awareness

Positive things feels better than negativity. This is a simple statement of fact.  Negativity simply put does not feel good.  Positivity does. Nobody wants to feel bad, angry, distressed, upset, depressed, or any of the myriad of negative feelings we can feel.  Yet we practically bathe in negativity daily. Why?  Because we are utterly immersed in it.  Social media is full of complaints, the news is often upsetting or depressing, and we tend to think about it, talk about it,