The Ramblings of the Titanium Don


We all need positive energy.

When we are constantly bombarded by news of tragedy and inundated with stories of greed and corruption it is increasingly difficult to find positive energy.  All you have to do is read through posts on Twitter or Facebook or Google+ from well-meaning friends and you will experience all the terrible things happening in the world today.

It is very hard not to get increasingly frustrated, angry, incensed over the vast amounts of unfairness, stupidity, and blatant inflammatory actions throughout our world.  And there are so very many topics to explore and choose from to further that.

Yet we all need positive energy.  Feeding all the negativity just creates more negativity.

That is why, starting today, I will be blogging every Monday on the topic of Positivity.  Monday in particular is a good starting point, given how many people dread and outright loathe the beginning of the work week.  Additionally, I will be sharing images I personally find inspiring and beautiful, from my own vast collection (I fancy myself to be a somewhat capable photographer).


I fall victim to the negative messages.  I am posting weekly Positivity for myself as much as for anyone who cares to read this.

What makes up Positivity?  For our purposes, it is action.  I will be working on looking past and through all the negative messages and exploring positive ones.  I will be choosing topics regularly to explore and express positive energy, hopefully to get us thinking about good things surrounding us and our lives, rather than all the negatives.

I want to begin with Gratitude.  I am deeply grateful for you, my readers, for following along and sharing this experience with me.  Despite the difficulties we are all facing, whether large or small, we have each other, and for that I am extremely grateful.

Gratitude is a fantastic generator of positive energies.  Feeling grateful for the things we have, the people in our lives, love, comfort, companionship and so forth leads to positive feelings.  Positive feelings generate positive energies.  When more of us feel positive about the world around us, we in turn share that with others, and hopefully cause a wave of positivity.

I know that there are going to be bad days, negative days, and times where finding and holding positive energy is almost impossible.  I will totally acknowledge this.  However, I can choose to dwell in those negative places, or I can choose to seek out more positive situations.  I have seen how much better life is when approached positively, and I want to strive to find that place more frequently than its opposite.  This is where Positivity begins.

If you have begun this week feeling low, feeling down, feeling negative, think of anything you have to be grateful for.  It can be as large as a material thing like you car, your job, your home, or as small as your drawing breath and simply being alive.  Don’t just think of gratitude, feel grateful.  Let the gratitude wash away negativity, and help lead you to Positivity.

Thank you.


This is the first entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.

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