The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

One Thing Every Day

Doing just one thing, every day, for yourself, is unselfish.

Today will hold many things. Some will be expected and predictable while others will be unplanned and variable. Today will be a day.

You have the ability to make certain choices that will direct your day, influence it, and could change your experience in any number of ways. Practicing mindfulness and being aware, in the moment, of your thoughts, feelings, and actions can take any given day and alter its course.

one thingFor some people this is complicated. Either they are full of doubt and uncertainty, unaware of their own empowerment, or they feel that they have no control over what happens to them.

This can be true in many ways. You can’t control what other people do and you have no control over most external factors like weather, traffic, lines, and so on.

When living in a fear-based society, too-often focusing on lack, scarcity, and just not enough, finding positivity can be challenging. What’s more, it can also feel selfish to do anything positive in the face of all the negativity you are probably seeing online, on TV, and across other media.

When you accept this as your reality, unfortunately, it will be your reality. Like attracts like and consciousness creates reality. It doesn’t matter if you believe in any hooky-spooky new-agey concepts like the Law of Attraction, this will be your reality.

What you can have total control over is mindfulness. You are capable of the practice of influencing, altering, changing, and controlling what you are thinking, what and how you are feeling, and actions you take.

As such, I suggest practicing doing one thing every day that feels good.

Choose any one thing

There is no reason, whatsoever, that you cannot choose one thing, every day, to do for yourself.

Look, you only have so much time in this life. Your soul may be eternal but your body is only good for maybe a century or so. Thus, there is no reason why you are not entitled to doing one thing for yourself every day.

One thing every dayIt doesn’t have to be something big. You could meditate, take a walk, watch a show on Netflix, take a nap, talk to a friend, eat ice cream, or anything you can think of. This is not for anyone but you, and it should be something that makes you feel good and/or brings you joy.

I know that life can be complicated. Yes, we all have responsibilities and expectations and stuff that needs to be done. Even still, there is no reason at all why you can’t do one thing every day for your own good.

Self-care is too easily bulldozed by a sense of selfishness. You might feel like it is more responsible to do for other people regularly and put yourself last. While that’s ok sometimes, it shouldn’t be forcing you to make unnecessary sacrifices.

FYI, sacrifice is a buy-in to a lack mentality. As in “since there is not enough I will go without.” Sacrifice inevitably leads to resentment, which helps nobody wins when all is said and done.

This is not selfish

The one thing you do for yourself every day is not a selfish act. This is not an all-day, close everyone else out situation. One thing, maybe as little as 5-10 minutes of your time, specifically for YOU.

Selfishness does not involve taking time for yourself. Being selfish is more specific, and involves intentionally taking from someone else and/or denying them something. You tell someone there is not enough of the tangible or intangible thing, when in fact there is plenty. However, you have no interest in sharing it and keep it entirely for you. Selfishness is a conscious choice.

When you do one thing every day, for you, it helps you build up empowerment. When you become more empowered you gain strength to be mindful, which gives you more control over your life.

You are worthy and deserving of doing at least one thing every day for you yourself.

Doing one thing every day isn’t hard – but it does require action

Knowing that you have every right to take time for yourself for at least one thing, every day, find a thing to do, for yourself, daily. When you take time for yourself you allow yourself to feel good and positive, and that ultimately empowers you. When you feel empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that tends to spread to other people around you.

As such, you can build more positive feelings and discover more things to feel positivity and gratitude.

Gratitude leads to happiness. Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude. An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of positivity that begets even more good energies – and that, like you, is always worthwhile.

This is the three-hundred-third entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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