The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How do I Deal With a Test of Faith?

My faith is being tested. I am facing a test of my belief in conscious reality creation.  Do I believe in myself, and my own ability to consciously create the reality I want to live in?  Do I believe I am manifesting the life I really want to experience? I have always been the best at sabotaging myself.  There is no need for anyone else to interfere, I can do it just fine, thanks.  I always manage to find the

Where do you find your Path?

Where do you find your path? This can be a daunting question.  Finding the path you want to walk is a matter of necessity. No two paths are the same.  Similar in some respects, but not the same.  For example, it is my personal goal to become a bestselling author.  While there are lots of bestselling authors out there, each of us will traverse different paths to that goal. Knowing my path, where did I find it?  The simple answer

What is an Attitude Shifter?

What is an attitude shifter?  An attitude shifter is something you can think about or focus on that will make you feel good. Shifters can come in any number of forms.  A picture of a person, place or thing that makes you feel happy.  A song or movie dialogue or comedy routine that puts you in a good mood.  A scent, the smell of something that brings your mind to positive thoughts.  Pretty much anything that stimulates your senses in