The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How do I Release the Discomfort?

What steps go into centering and balancing? Depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses have common threads to them. They are comprised of elements of thought, feeling, and various blended and/or mixed emotions. Though I can’t and don’t know for certain, I believe that everyone feels their feelings in different parts of their body. Sometimes it manifests as a buzzing in the back of your head. Other times, it’s butterflies in your stomach. Maybe you experience a sensation like a weight

Is There Always a Path to Choose?

Yes, but you alone can decide on it. Everyone experiences at least two “New Years” annually. One is the change of the calendar, December 31 into January 1. The other is your birthday and the change of the year for you and your life. With the start of a new year, many people set goals and make various plans to a greater or lesser extent for what their life might look like. At the start of the calendar year, there

How Does Mind over Matter in Mindfulness Actually Work?

Mind over matter is a challenge many people struggle with. I firmly believe that consciousness creates reality. This process occurs through the active practice of mindfulness – conscious awareness, here and now, of that which you control. Specifically – your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions. Working with mindfulness, you can make choices and decisions to actively, consciously create reality. I’ve done this. More than once. Thus, I know that it’s not some pie-in-the-sky bullshit. However – neither can conscious reality

Do You Wait for the Door to Open or Act to Open The Door?

When you act to open the door, you are being mindful. Life is a constant stream of activity. Like a flowing stream or river, life is always on the move. So long as we draw breath, we’re in motion. And that can be extremely overwhelming sometimes. I know how this feels. Choices and decisions can be scary and exciting at the same time. Some are more uncertain than others, too. But the outcome is seldom completely sure. Things not of

What Can I Do to Get Better at Letting Go of Past BS?

We all hold onto things that don’t serve us. Letting go challenges us each differently. Over the past month or so, I’ve been focusing more and more on identifying my self-sabotaging behaviors. Thus, I’ve learned that my self-sabotage is born of conclusions I’ve made about myself, other people, and life. I recognize what these conclusions have been (for me, it’s that I’m not worthy, people are capricious and inconsistent, and that life is an unfair uphill battle). Now recognized, I

Can I Please Stop Second-Guessing and Self-Sabotaging Myself?

I would very much like to be done second-guessing and self-sabotaging. Despite the effort I have been making for over a decade to live life on my own terms, choosing my own paths – there is an ongoing challenge I can never seem to shake. Every path I choose, every approach I take, even when I am being super-mindful – I am second-guessing and self-sabotaging. Having just finished reading Gary John Bishop’s Stop Doing that Sh*t: End Self-Sabotage and Demand

Do You Recognize and Acknowledge Self-Sabotage When You See It?

Self-sabotage is currently staring me in the face. There is nobody better at getting in my way than me. I have an incredible talent for tripping myself along any given path I choose. Somehow, I manage to find a way to self-sabotage. Then, I wonder what happened and how I can stop it from happening again. Over the past couple of years, I’ve gotten better at recognizing it when it creeps up on me. Like a Dungeons and Dragons Rogue

Did You Take Action?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   When you had the opportunity, did you take action? What do I mean by that?  It’s actually very simple.  Did you do that thing you planned to do?  The question is a matter of taking a plan – the thought; figuring out how to do it – the feeling; doing it – the action. A lot of us are really good at coming up with ideas and

Can I Be Strong?

Be strong. I was having a perfectly good day.  And then I read the news.  That was not a good idea. How can I consciously create my own reality when I live in a world that’s so totally messed up?  So, so many things happening out there that are appalling at best, then enraging, and terrifying.  What’s the point?  Why bother? Because I can effect change out there.  I can do good things with my own life, and from there

How Does Confidence Build Positivity?

Confidence goes a long ways towards building positivity. When you are confident in who you are and what you do, you can create some pretty amazing things. Even if you are not a terribly confident feeling person, there are many different actions you can take that will generate confidence, and confidence in turn will develop some powerful positivity. First there is posture.  I know that I tend to slouch.  A lot.  Sitting and standing more erect exudes confidence physically.  Also,

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