The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Major Positivity Comes From Recognizing When You Need to Change

But as always, it’s a choice of approach and direction for you to make. The other day, I came to a stark realization. I needed to actively change. This was a matter of looking at all the ways my life has changed since the pandemic – and frankly, all the ways that it hasn’t changed. As I looked at the elements that are my life as it currently is, I saw with stark clarity how I haven’t chosen to change.

What Do You Do When Your Path Isn’t What You Think It Is?

It’s your path – you can choose to reclaim it when you lose it. It doesn’t matter what paths you choose in life. I don’t think they ever go as intended. Why? Because life is full of uncertainty, situations, and circumstances way outside of your control. For example, I knew the plans we had around Christmas for months now. I was all set to carry them out. Everything was in place and set to go as of the Wednesday before

Choosing the So-Called “Easy Path” is not Easy

The “easy path” is what leads many people to depression, anxiety, and the like. What is the easy path? The easy path is the conventional path. It’s doing the expected and shoehorning yourself into a “normal” life. To be fair, there are people for whom this is fine. A normal, conventional life makes them content, happy, and fulfilled. I have nothing but respect for that – and if you are in that boat, more power to you. Unfortunately, I think

What is Morality?

This post contains affiliate links. For more info, see my disclosures here.   Morality is a matter that gets skirted around a lot these days. Unless you are living under a rock, and to some degree I kind of envy you if you are, you see the travesty happening in the United States Senate currently.  The hearings for the President’s Supreme Court nominee are a total circus.  Despite multiple accusations of sexual misconduct, there is almost an entire party, comprised

Where Is My Intent?

I have been working with the question of the intent for my life a long time, now. For decades, my answer was usually, “I don’t know what I want.”  I became particularly skilled at saying “I don’t know”.  Over time, my indecision extended out to include restaurants, jobs, relationships, hairstyles…you name it.  When it came to decision-making, I left that to anyone else that I could. Less than ten years ago, however, I began to really think about what I

Am I Being Proactive?

You may have noticed that by-and-large I only post positive, proactive thoughts. Part of the reason why I choose this is because I feel horridly inundated by negativity.  There are so many things happening in the world right now that are upsetting.  Sometimes it is really hard to stay focused on creating good, because it feels increasingly futile. I began writing Positivity on Mondays to combat frequent negative messages at the start of the work week.  This has been really

How Does Self-Doubt Impact You?

Self-doubt and indecision will complicate Pathwalking. I strive to be less doubtful about who I am, and to do better with making decisions about my life.  Pathwalking is about choosing for myself, rather than letting random chance just happen. Yet I still question if I am deserving of this.  I doubt myself, my abilities to do the things I want to do.  This in turn can make me indecisive, and I get stuck in uncertainty. Self-doubt comes from many places. 

How does a non-planner plan?

Making a plan has not always been my strong suit. I tend to take actions as needed, but planning?  Not so much. From time to time I will make a plan.  But more often than not, I just go along and do what I need to do. This is not tremendously compatible with the notion of conscious reality creation. Take my writing, for instance.  A friend once told me there are two kinds of writers in the world – planners

What Will be the Rewards and Consequences of my Decisions?

Conscious reality creation takes place in the now. We cannot undo the past, and as Yoda says, “Always in motion is the future.”  The only part of reality we truly control is the present. This week has marked several changes on my part.  All of them involved decisions.  One was in regards to changing this blog for its growth, one will close a long-standing issue I’ve spent more than half-a-decade trying to resolve.  In both instances I had to make

How does the use of I AM matter in Crossing the Bridges?

There are actions I can take, right now, to change my life. The challenge with this is in mindfulness.  While the action I am looking to take is relatively simple, it requires a great deal of mindfulness. I have written before about the power of the words I AM.  These two little words will ultimately define me, in the here and now, in absolute and specific ways.  I AM is far more powerful than the retrospective I WAS or the