The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Living is an Intentional Action

Living and just existing are two different notions. I read a quote that inspired me the other day. It is attributed to Oscar Wilde. “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” Everyone exists, but not everyone chooses to truly live. What’s the difference? I believe it is intention. Intentional action, to be specific. Every single day you exist. You breathe, do things, go about your day, and exist. A lot of this is

All You Have To Do

All you have to do is make a choice. Decide to be aware. Work to find or create positivity. You have a choice. You can choose to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions – mindful – or not. Being mindful brings you to the now and allows you to choose whether your thoughts and feelings rule you or if you will rule them. Mindfulness is not just the awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and actions…but then choosing what

How Do You Know What Your Best “You” Is?

How do you know what your best you is? This is one of those paradoxes that are super-simple yet infinitely complex. I am a firm believer in the notion of conscious reality creation. I am convinced that I am empowered to take my personal illusion of reality and shape it to best fit me. There are a lot of challenges and obstacles along any given path, but rather than let life live me I want to live life. So I

Avoiding Overwhelm While Remaining Informed

To avoid overwhelm while remaining informed is not easy, but utterly necessary for finding and maintaining positivity. Let’s be perfectly honest here. The world you and I live in today is complicated, and all-too-often full of fear, lack, scarcity, and overall negativity. All you have to do is scroll through social media. Doing so, you will see memes and links to articles about any number of terrible things going on. It can be thoroughly disheartening, infuriating, annoying, maddening, and all

Life is Never a Singular Path

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You are empowered to choose the path/paths you desire for you. Over the course of your life, you are going to have different goals at different times. Some are small goals, others are larger and have a wider impact. All of them are significant to you. There will be occasions when you are on more than one path at the same time. For example: developing a relationship

What is Intention?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   What is Intention? Intention is focus. It is the focus on the action that creates reality. Mindfulness is about knowing your own thoughts and feelings. With knowledge of your thoughts and feelings, you can take actions to consciously create reality. But the actions need focus, direction, or specifically intention. So what is intent? defines it thus: Intent (noun) something that is intended; purpose; design; intention the act or fact of intending, as to do something meaning or significance. When it

Most Decisions Are Not Permanent

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Few decisions that we make are truly permanent. I know that, for me at least, on more than one occasion I either made no choice, procrastinated about, or did not fully commit to a decision.  Why?  Because what if I made the wrong one? This is why recognizing that few decisions we make are truly permanent is so important to really living our lives. No matter how

Why Does Aligning Head and Heart Matter?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Getting head and heart in sync can build tremendous positivity. However, getting the head (thought) and the heart (feeling) aligned can be challenging. One way to get the head and heart in sync is to be more mindful.  Mindfulness, or awareness, can take us to all kinds of incredible places. This is not awareness of the outside world…it is awareness of ourselves.  It is a matter of

How Can I Be Better?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   To be better, the first step is to define the most important question – better than what? Better than whom is irrelevant.  Why?  Because the only person we ever need to be better than is our present self.  Further, in truth, we cannot generally be better than anyone else.  We are, in the grand make-up of the universe, all equal. Yes, when it comes to certain athletic

Did You Take Action?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   When you had the opportunity, did you take action? What do I mean by that?  It’s actually very simple.  Did you do that thing you planned to do?  The question is a matter of taking a plan – the thought; figuring out how to do it – the feeling; doing it – the action. A lot of us are really good at coming up with ideas and

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