The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Recognizing the Limitations of Your Path

Many limitations are artificial and can be overcome…but not all of them. For the most part, you are told that there are an overwhelming number of limitations in this life. In order to do ‘X’ or to be ‘Y’ you must come from money, have the right connections, be beautiful, or meet some other standards – or else you are limited. If you do not meet these standards you are unworthy and undeserving and the limitations will keep you down

Who Are You Trying to Impress?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Who are you trying to impress? You may find the answer to this enlightening. I have spent a great deal of my life working to live up to the expectations of others. Some of this has been in my real day-to-day life, while some has been in my hobby life. In either case, the notion that I needed to impress person ‘x’ or group ‘y’ would dominate

What Is Passion?

What are you passionate about? This is a question that a lot of people tend to neglect.  They go about their lives, doing the things that they do, some for themselves, some for other people.  The answer to that question is a shrug of the shoulders, a tilt of the head, possibly even a thoughtful, “Hm.” Tony Robbins ends every section of his Personal Power series with, “Live with Passion.”  This has nothing to do with physical and sexual intimacy,

Ten Things Making Me Happy

In response to a great deal of awful things from the start of this year, I want to share with you ten things in my personal life that are making me happy. While Valentine’s Day is my least favorite holiday, the message of love it conveys is worth spreading.  Rather than keep it to one day designed to generate revenue for florists, chocolatiers and card companies, I think spreading love every day is a fine thing. Love begins with the

Crossing the Bridges: Life in Multiple Worlds

I feel as if I live in multiple worlds sometimes. See if this is familiar for you in any way. First, there is Professional Me.  I hold a job, I pay my bills, I do the necessary things one does to live in this society.  I also happen to be involved in civics, as I serve as President of a local Chamber of Commerce. Second, there is Author Me.  I keep this blog, I write and edit novels.  I constantly