The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do You Face Your Fears or Live Life Afraid?

This is always a choice. And the choice is always yours. About the only certainty in life is uncertainty. No matter what and how you plan, no matter what you prepare – the uncertain might well get in your way. That’s because the one and only constant in the universe is change. And most change is utterly outside of your control. This is where – I believe – almost every fear you and I face is based. After years of

Why is The Unknown Path So Damned Scary?

Because it’s unknown – and thus, uncertain. On the one hand, I’ve never been one for plans, lists, and the like. It’s always felt genuine and true to myself to be more improvisational in my approach to life. On the other hand, I’m a Virgo. Sometimes I get utterly ordered and freakishly clean, arrange, and set stuff up. When it comes to choosing and walking a given path in my life, this can be challenging. Loose and ready for anything

How Do You Silence Doubts, Fears, and Other Negatives In Your Head?

Mindfulness, of course, is the key to finding and/or creating silence. I read a lot. Every morning, I spend about an hour reading. A chapter or two of fiction, and a chapter or two of nonfiction. Most of my nonfiction reading is along the same lines I blog about. Mindfulness, self-awareness, self-encouragement, psychology, and like topics. I read this to increase my knowledge base and find new ways to live this life on my terms. And live it as fully

Which Do You Fear More – Rejection or Suffering?

It’s not the rejection you fear so much as the suffering that’ll come with it. Nobody likes to suffer. Suffering – mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually – is unpleasant. The pain that comes with suffering – tangible or not – is unpleasant, distressing, uncomfortable, and just plain awful. But do you know what’s worse than suffering? Often – the fear over how and what it’ll be. Frequently, we don’t recognize suffering as our fear. It gets cloaked in another, more

How Do We Learn to Embrace Change Rather than Fear It?

We need to work more with mindfulness to embrace change. There are two topics I cover repeatedly. Fear and change. Why? Because we live in a fear-based society and change is the only constant in the Universe. What’s more, fear of change drives many, many people and the things they do. Accepting the inevitability of change goes a long way towards learning to embrace it. But that’s not easy to do because of how fear is so broadly exploited. What

Fear on My Path – Walk Right Into it or Run Away?

You choose if fear controls you or you control it. I am about to do something slightly terrifying. What is it? I’m going to take a step into the unknown. I’m doing something that is financially risky – but has the potential to be incredible. This is really scary. It’s bringing up a lot of my deep-seated fears, which can be dangerous when I allow them to control me. Like every other thought and feeling – fear is under my

Why Am I Afraid to Succeed?

How does the question “what if I succeed?” evoke subconscious fear? This question has been plaguing my path for a long time. Every time I work on a path I desire to follow – something happens that causes me to abandon it, stop giving it my full attention, and/or self-sabotage. This is, of course, not conducive to success. Why? Why do I always do this? How come I am constantly getting in my own way? What causes me to get

What I Believe is True

Even though what I believe is true – I have the power to change it. I know more than one person struggling right now. Frankly, in multiple ways, I am struggling, too. The struggle is based on who I am now – versus – who I was and have been – versus – who I desire to be. When you have been applying certain beliefs, habits, and values for as long as you can remember – they seem unchangeable. They

Anyone Can Show You a Path – But Only You Can Walk It

Anyone Can Show You a Path, But Only You Can Walk It It doesn’t matter what the choices are, the decision is yours and yours alone. I made a decision that I would choose my own path in this life. Though my choice has been imperfect, and I have stumbled and struggled along the way, I am still glad I made that decision. Why? Because I believe that I have taken control of my life. I am not just going

Do You Feel Afraid?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   What makes you feel afraid? Everybody has things they fear.  Some are tangible, material things like spiders, snakes, and heights.  But the vast majority of what makes us feel afraid are the intangible, immaterial things. These include intimacy, success, failure, abandonment, wealth, and a vast number of feelings and emotions.  Intangibles, maybe, but still impactful on our lives. The fear reflex in each of us is hardwired. 

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