The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Did You Know That What You Believe – Positive or Negative – Is True?

Positive or negative – what you believe is true. Even if you don’t buy into the Law of Attraction – like gravity, thermodynamics, and other elements of nature – it still exists and does its work whether you are conscious of it or not. This is why what you believe is true. At least, from your unique, one-of-a-kind perspective. Every single person on earth has their own perception of reality. Ergo, we all have unique perspectives on life, the universe,

If You Believed That You Could Do It – What Would You Do?

What you could do if you believed in yourself is not just words on a motivational poster. In my experience, do you know who we tend to have the hardest time believing in? Ourselves. Look at who people tend to believe in. Talking heads, politicians, oligarchs, demagogues, and leaders with fleeting power on multiple levels. And that’s just the individuals that people believe in. What about abstract entities and intangibles? People believe in countries, sports teams, religions, God, ridiculous conspiracy

What I Believe is True

Even though what I believe is true – I have the power to change it. I know more than one person struggling right now. Frankly, in multiple ways, I am struggling, too. The struggle is based on who I am now – versus – who I was and have been – versus – who I desire to be. When you have been applying certain beliefs, habits, and values for as long as you can remember – they seem unchangeable. They

What Do You Really Want?

Not to be redundant, but what you want and what you REALLY want may differ. That’s an important distinction in conscious reality creation. I read a lot of blogs and articles by a lot of different self-help and inspirational writers. I have read or listened to a vast number of books on the topics of self-help, inspiration, self-improvement, conscious reality creation and manifestation, mindfulness, and finding/creating wealth. Along the way, I have developed my own philosophy on this topic and

That Didn’t Go How I Expected It To

That situation didn’t go how I expected it to, and that’s not a bad thing in this case. You can make all sorts of plans for your life. There are innumerable paths you can choose. Yet no matter the path nor the plan, sometimes it doesn’t go how you expected it to. Sometimes this is not so good. Often, it’s not a bad thing at all. Perfect example. Recently, I applied for a job as a receptionist. No, not the

Stumbling Over Old Beliefs along my Path

Practicing mindfulness alone doesn’t always open the door to change old beliefs. One of the key elements of Pathwalking is using mindfulness to consciously create reality. Ergo, I am doing things to better myself and create the life I most desire to live. There are two super-frustrating things I cannot seem to get out of my head. These are my thought processes when it comes to money and when it comes to weight loss/body consciousness. Specifically, these are brain weasels

Who Controls Your Fate?

You are not a victim of fate. Just because you were born into a certain circumstance, raised in a given environment, got the education that you did, and hold the job you hold, you are not trapped. Fate is not written in stone. You have the power to change your fate. People tend to want to believe in fate because it means that they have a purpose. Fate means there has to be a reason, and purpose, to living your

Life is Never a Singular Path

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You are empowered to choose the path/paths you desire for you. Over the course of your life, you are going to have different goals at different times. Some are small goals, others are larger and have a wider impact. All of them are significant to you. There will be occasions when you are on more than one path at the same time. For example: developing a relationship

Do You Have a Choice?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You always have a choice.  Even when you decide not to choose, that’s still a choice. No matter what situation or experience you are having, good or bad, you have a choice.  Why?  Because you can decide how to think, feel, and act upon whatever happens to you. Every single day we face choices.  Get out of bed, or hit snooze?  Watch TV or read?  Workout or

What Is Impossible?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Nothing is impossible.  Unless, of course, you believe that it is. Look at the world we live in today.  The technologies available to us, the things we have built and continue to build.  Things considered impossible just a hundred years ago are commonplace today. This does not just apply to the material.  Much of the immaterial we believe to be impossible, is not.  It is just a

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