The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Is Genuine Gratitude Always Positive?

Tangible or intangible, big or small, gratitude is always empowering. There is no such thing as negative gratitude. Sure, there’s false gratitude, but that’s not gratitude. Genuine, true, real gratitude is always positive.   Genuine gratitude is an expression of appreciation. Appreciation is a direct pathway to kindness, compassion, and empathy. Everyone, everywhere, desires kindness, compassion, and empathy (sometimes inappropriately jealously, which is how we get so many who want it but refuse to give it. But I digress). Kindness,

What Would You Do If You Could Do Anything At All?

No limitations, no restrictions, no caveats, just do the thing you desire to do. Lots of people talk about bucket lists. Those things they would do without restrictions, obligations, financial issues, and so on. Additionally, lots of people have things they will do when they have enough money, lose enough weight, get that promotion, publish the book, dump the dead-weight relationship, and so on. Get that one thing done, the prerequisite must be met, and then you do the thing.

I Don’t Hate Myself, But Some Days I Don’t Like Myself

Kindness, compassion, and empathy are necessary for ourselves, too. Today I got really upset. Angry, mostly. At myself. Why? Because I’ve put on a bunch of weight, I have a bizarre nerve pinch in my left hand that’s causing recurrent pain depending on my grip, I’m a bit flustered trying to decide on a new editor for my book series, I feel like I’m letting people in my life down, I’m failing to live up to my potential, work as

You Can Always Take Back the Wheel on Your Life Path

Who’s driving this life anyway? It’s all too easy to get distracted and unwittingly allow outside influences to take the wheel and do the driving. Much of this is due to modern society’s near obsession with automation, ease, instant gratification, and the like. This obsession leads to doing more and more by rote, routine, and habit. So much so that even personal matters take that form, too. Rote, routine, and habit aren’t part of the conscious human mind, but rather

Is What We Think Other People Think About Us What We Secretly Think About Ourselves?

What do we know about how others think and feel – especially about us? Even the most introverted people I know have interactions with other people along the way. Friends, family, coworkers, random strangers, and so on. No matter if you are an introvert, extrovert, ambivert, or uncategorized personality type, you do not exist in a bubble. Because of this truth, to a greater or lesser degree, you desire to make an impression on people. This is wildly variable, situational,

Does Anything We Do Matter?

Yes. Everything you do matters. To and for you. The world is a crazy place. Here in the United States, the Presidential election is about to start. Caucuses, primaries, debates, and a whole host of lengthy, largely unpleasant bullshit will be dominating the news cycle over the coming months. Due to the probability of the GOP running a traitorous criminal as their candidate – and showing time and again that ethics matter way less than winning and having control –

Did You Know that You Are Worthwhile and Deserving?

Yes, you. The other day I felt particularly down. I was chewing on thoughts about recognition from others that hadn’t come, how few of my friends and family have bought my books, and how it often feels like nobody cares what I write and share here. My therapist was sick, my wife is going through enough of her own crap that she didn’t need mine on top of it. There is nobody among my friends I’m presently close enough to

Mindfulness Isn’t Just About the Mind

The whole body is impacted by active conscious awareness practice. Given that it’s right there in the name – mindfulness – it’s easy to presume this is all about the mind. While that’s mostly true, it’s only a portion of the truth. Everything begins with thought. Thought happens on three levels – unconscious, subconscious, and conscious. The unconscious is how you breathe automatically, digest, blink, and fire the neurons that move the muscles to lift your arm into the air

Why Is It So Hard to Just Be Yourself?

Nobody is at fault or to blame, but neither does anyone tend to teach you this. Two of the most distressing things that dominate our society are the expectations of others and the “shoulds.” Early in our lives, before we’re even scientifically capable of self-awareness, our parents and other family members guide us. Eventually it moves from guidance to direction. Instilling good habits in the young is very useful throughout life. Brush your teeth twice a day, fasten your seatbelt

Why is Real Positivity About A Choice of Approach?

Positivity is a choice that combines thought, feeling, intent, and action. There is no telling what life will hand you today. No matter what you plan or prepare for, shit happens. People disappoint you, expectations aren’t met, and life will throw you curve balls out of nowhere. One day you might think, hey, it’s only a quarter mile to the post office, and the weather doesn’t suck. I should walk rather than drive. A great idea, until you wake up

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