The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Be Happy?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Are you happy? We often shy away from this question.  Why?  Because when we look at the world around us, and all the troubles going on, we might just find that having our own happiness makes us feel guilty. It is one of the most ludicrous things I can possibly imagine.  Why?  Because just about everything we are doing with our lives is to find things that

How Do You Be Happy?

Let’s be happy. Doesn’t that sound like a fantastic idea? What do we have to do to be happy? That’s the challenge we all face.  In especial when we’re inundated with lack, scarcity, and messages of exclusion, hate, and fear.  Hard to find happy when there are so many messages that are the opposite. It is time to take back our power and do what it takes to be happy. It might be something grand, like taking a vacation or

How Does Joy Empower?

Joy empowers us. When we do things that bring joy into our lives, we make ourselves better, stronger, and happier.  Joy raises our frequency, and lets us attract more of the things we truly want for ourselves. Yet we frequently will deny ourselves joy.  Why?  A number of different reasons, of course. First is the external.  In a society so focused on lack and scarcity, we wind up made to feel guilty if something makes us feel joyful.  We begin

What Matters Most?

What matters is being the best you that you can be. Nobody but you knows who you are.  That’s the long and short of it. Let’s look at a single universal truth.  No matter how we act, no matter how much we strive to be real and genuine, people will perceive us based on their own experiences, expectations, prejudices and knowledge.  They will judge you based on how they perceive their own world, and there is nothing you or I

Ten Things Making Me Happy

In response to a great deal of awful things from the start of this year, I want to share with you ten things in my personal life that are making me happy. While Valentine’s Day is my least favorite holiday, the message of love it conveys is worth spreading.  Rather than keep it to one day designed to generate revenue for florists, chocolatiers and card companies, I think spreading love every day is a fine thing. Love begins with the

How to Make Monday YOUR Day

Today will be whatever you make it be. It’s far too easy to approach Monday and the traditional start of the work week with distress, trepidation, displeasure, and unhappiness.  There is an entire culture of Monday woe in this society, which has been and continues to be capitalized on, and as such gets reinforced. Does anyone want Monday to suck?  I am pretty sure the answer is NO.  I don’t really know anyone who wants to be miserable, who wants

How do you recognize if you’re walking the right Path?

How do I know if I am on the right path? This is probably the most basic, yet most challenging question to ask.  The answer is both amazingly simple, and yet fairly complicated. Pathwalking is making choices about living life, in order to work to consciously create our personal reality as we want it to be.  Rather than simply going along with life and letting whatever happens, happen; as we walk our chosen paths we strive to be present and

Five Quick-and-Easy Positivity Generators

Everyone prefers to feel good over feeling bad. Finding positivity is about finding ways to feel good.  We live in a society that feeds on a steady diet of negativity.  Fear is a tool employed by many differently “leaders” to keep people in line, and sensationalism sells and gets more clicks on social media.  This can make it far easier to live in fear and negativity than to find positivity. Also, it’s Monday…so most of us are going to work

What are challenges vs struggles with Pathwalking?

Pathwalking can be fraught with many challenges. I long ago came to believe that nothing worth having is ever easy.  But there is a difference between challenge and struggle.  Challenge involves growth and proactive change, while struggle is stagnation and reactive change.  Challenge is deciding to change, while struggle is forced. Many of the challenges in Pathwalking are due to outside influences, some which we can control and some which we cannot.  Recognizing this is the first step towards working

Where can you find Positivity?

Positivity can be found anywhere we look. There are all sorts of thing, big and small, that can bring about positivity.  Sometimes they are easier to see than others. We are alive and breathing.  We have amazing technology at our fingertips.  We are capable of loving and being loved.  We can have, do or be pretty much anything we desire.  There is sky above us and earth beneath our feet. I know that it can feel like an impossible struggle

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