The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Words Have Power to Build Positivity

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Words have power.

It is really easy to forget the power of the words we say.  When we say negative things, we tend to create bad feelings.  When we say positive things, we tend to create good feelings.

Words Have PowerIt’s important to keep this in mind when we are talking to other people.  But it is also of equal importance to keep this in mind when we are talking to ourselves.  And by talking to ourselves, I am not necessarily referring to actually talking to ourselves aloud, but how we talk to ourselves inside our own minds.

Because words have power, how we think about ourselves, and what we say as such matters a lot.  What’s more, there are some specific phrases that can empower either positivity or negativity.

These are, I would argue, the most powerful phrases we can employ.  These words have power, whether we speak them or think them, whether to and about ourselves, or to and about others.

These particular phrases include:

  • I Am
  • Thank you
  • Please
  • You’re Welcome
  • I Love You
  • I Can
  • I Do
  • I Desire
  • I have

When we use these specific phrases they are tremendously empowering…or disempowering.  This is where intent of positivity versus negativity matters.  The former empowers, the latter disempowers.  Whether we are making use of these phrases internally or externally, mindfulness of our intent matters quite a lot.

I think that one of issues with the semi-anonymity of the internet is that people neglect that words have power.  People write things out online that I suspect they would never say in person to someone’s face.  They neglect the power of their words, because they do not fear repercussions or being accountable.

Words Have Power to Build or Destroy

Whatever phrases that you choose to employ, keep in mind the power of your words.  Are you going to be helping with building up or tearing down?  Will you be creating or destroying?  Are your words making someone feel good, or feel bad?  Do you use your powerful words to spread positivity or negativity?

Words have powerI know that it is pretty close to impossible to ALWAYS be on top of the words you say.  Sometimes you react in a moment or a situation not at your best.  However, even when this happens, you have the opportunity to fix it.  You cannot undo anything, but you can take any necessary action, such as assuming responsibility for your words, and apologizing if needs be.

The point of this is to be mindful of the power of your words, whether you say them to others or think them about yourself.  Words have power, and you can use that power to make your life better.  When you make your own life better, you can best work to change the world for the better, too.

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require action

Knowing that words have power, we can choose how to employ them, whether we speak or think them, to ourselves or to others.  When we recognize the power of our words, and how we can use them to create, build, and generate positivity, we ultimately empower ourselves.  When we feel empowered, we become more aware and mindful, and tend to spread that feeling to others around us. As such, we can build more positive feelings.

We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings. When we eradicate negative feelings, we open up space to let in more positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for.

Gratitude leads to happiness.  Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude.  An attitude of gratitude is a positive attitude that begets even more good energies, and that is always worthwhile.

This is the two-hundred and sixty-fifth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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