The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Does Thought Drive the Universe?

Thought is one of the main driving forces of the Universe.

Everything that ever was, currently is, or ever shall be begins with thought.  Somewhere there was an idea that led to a feeling from which action was taken.  Thus is reality as we know it made manifest.

There are certain aspects of our reality that are completely universal.  The sun, moon and stars, air, water, earth, and so on.  But even these can be altered by thought.  There are currently colors of roses that were created by mankind.  Water nurtures plants in deserts entirely by our design.  Solar cells transform sunlight to energy.

We humans are capable of manifesting absolutely amazing things.  It is possible for us all to live bigger, better, healthier, happier lives, when we choose conscious reality creation.

The question that comes to mind is, how come we live in such a chaotic world?  If consciousness creates reality, then how did we get to this somewhat scary place we’re at right now?   The simple answer is a lack of awareness, allowing for the subconscious to create reality.

I am in no way knocking teachers, schools and education.  However, while we are taught reading, writing, arithmetic, languages, science and social studies, we are not taught the difference between conscious and subconscious thought.

Consciousness is awareness.  Consciousness is active, premeditated, and receptive.  Subconsciousness is passive, unintentional and inattentive.  Subconsciousness goes with the flow and allows things to happen, while consciousness directs the flow and MAKES things happen.

Society has certain expectations of us.  Go to school, get a job, go to work, raise a family, retire.  Everything in between is supporting structures like friends, family, weekends, play, vacations, self-care and such.

Anyone and anything not following the societal expectation gets looked upon askance.

Active thought can create opposition.

While we are all, at our deepest core the same, all of us being energy, we are also completely different.  This is because of thought.  No two people think alike.  No matter how similar our thought process and general ideas and notions might be, we still take different approaches to them.

A lot of this is nature versus nurture, life experience, cultural indoctrination, education, and numerous other factors.  We all had different experiences growing up, which shaped us and our thought processes differently.  As a result of this, we each individually form our thoughts in our own way.

But then we have to account for the Law of Attraction.  Like attracts like.  People with similar mindsets come together to share their experiences.  Yet even with similar mindsets, they still think differently.  Everyone creates their own thoughts in their own ways, and that may produce a similar end result, but we still have our individual differences.

When people turn over their active thought process to their passive subconscious thought, they get carried along in the current.  They let whatever collective consciousness they have connected with float them down the river.  And that is, I believe, how we get cults, blind faith followers, and Trump supporters.

It is easy and often comfortable to let your subconscious do the driving.  In especial when you have fallen into a particular pattern for your day.  Thus, when we begin choosing to be more aware, and consciously create reality, there may be opposition.

While we are not, in fact, in competition with one another, because our collective consciousness is rooted in a fear-based society with a lack mentality, competition has been artificially created.

Please note that I am in no way advocating for participation trophies for everyone.

Individual thought does not create competition.

There are healthy forms of competition.  I have been fencing for 26 years, and I know I am more capable and skilled than some, and less capable and skilled than others.  Professional sports are healthy competition (at least in regards to the participating athletes).  Merit has merit.  If we regarded merit with more importance than we currently do, the American government would not look like it currently does.

We often do not differentiate between healthy and unhealthy competition.  We end up competing for love, abundance, happiness, acceptance, wealth, opportunities, and so on.  Because the collective consciousness is rooted in fear and lack, we believe there is not enough of these things to go around.

But the Universe is an abundant Universe.  There is plenty of love, abundance, happiness, acceptance, wealth, opportunity and so on for everyone.  When we become aware of our thought, we gain the ability to touch upon this for real.  We get to manifest our lives to be something apart from the collective consciousness.

I get that some people are perfectly content to just be.  More power to you if you are happy going with the flow.  For those of us that want something more than what we are presented with, Pathwalking is choosing to use thought and feeling to drive intentional action to manifest something that excites us.

Thought is the driving force behind the inventions that have connected us in ways considered unimaginable half a century ago.  We have instant global communications, information at our fingertips far beyond anyone but certain sci-fi writers’ imaginations.  When we think for ourselves, our thoughts can create incredible things.

Be aware of your thought.

Consider what you are thinking, and how you are feeling.  Thought is just the beginning.  Where we go from there, however, can be absolutely incredible.  Thought suffused with feeling inspires intentional action…and that can shape your world as you’d like it to be.

What thought do you have towards improving your life?


This is the three-hundred-eleventh entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.

If you enjoy Pathwalking, you may also want to read my Five Easy Steps to Change the World for the Better.

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