The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Communication is The Key

Communication is the key. When you have a problem with someone, you ultimately have the ability to address them about the issue. We human beings are gifted with a myriad of means to communicate. We can talk, text, use hand gestures and body language, and even a combination of most of these to express ourselves to one another. You can tell people things they did not know, or help them to understand your point of view. Or you can choose

Family Has Multiple Definitions

Family isn’t necessarily blood and can be a source of tremendous positivity. You were born into a specific family. If you are anything like me, they have some interesting quirks, foibles, and other oddities about them. As you grew up, you may have grown closer…or further apart. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family. For the most part, however, they’d don’t get me. I have taken many paths over the years that have confused and confounded them. My life,

Why Be Mindful?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Why is being mindful all the rage in the self-help world?  I can tell you that there is more than one answer, and they are likely all right, and all wrong at the same time. The concept of mindfulness and being mindful takes in a lot of different approaches.  Meditation, psychiatry, self-help and philosophy all apply the idea in order to better ourselves and enrich our lives.

Why Does Empathy Matter?

Empathy can better the world around us.  For what it’s worth, I am an empath. What that means is that I can feel the emotions of people around me, sometimes better than I can feel my own.  The difference between simply feeling empathy and being an empath is that, as an empath I ALWAYS feel things.  With empathy, it is an emotion that can be switched on and off far more easily. Because I am an empath, I frequently find

Why Don’t I Understand?

There will always be things I just don’t understand. Some are emotional.  I know people who feel certain ways about certain things that I simply cannot fathom.  No judgements, this is just a statement of fact. Some are logical.  Some judgement here, given notions like flat-earthers and racists and misogynists and the like.  I just don’t understand how logic and reason can go out the window for easily disproven beliefs. For a long time I have said that life is

Will Your Path Make You Happy?

What is important to me is that I live a good life, and am happy more often than not. We all have different priorities.  Nobody’s emotions are exactly the same.  While we may give our emotions the same names, odds are how they feel to each of us differs. Taking that another step, what makes me happy is going to be different from what makes you happy.  Not just because of how it may feel differently to each of us,

How to Make Monday YOUR Day

Today will be whatever you make it be. It’s far too easy to approach Monday and the traditional start of the work week with distress, trepidation, displeasure, and unhappiness.  There is an entire culture of Monday woe in this society, which has been and continues to be capitalized on, and as such gets reinforced. Does anyone want Monday to suck?  I am pretty sure the answer is NO.  I don’t really know anyone who wants to be miserable, who wants

How do you recognize if you’re walking the right Path?

How do I know if I am on the right path? This is probably the most basic, yet most challenging question to ask.  The answer is both amazingly simple, and yet fairly complicated. Pathwalking is making choices about living life, in order to work to consciously create our personal reality as we want it to be.  Rather than simply going along with life and letting whatever happens, happen; as we walk our chosen paths we strive to be present and

Five Quick-and-Easy Positivity Generators

Everyone prefers to feel good over feeling bad. Finding positivity is about finding ways to feel good.  We live in a society that feeds on a steady diet of negativity.  Fear is a tool employed by many differently “leaders” to keep people in line, and sensationalism sells and gets more clicks on social media.  This can make it far easier to live in fear and negativity than to find positivity. Also, it’s Monday…so most of us are going to work

What are challenges vs struggles with Pathwalking?

Pathwalking can be fraught with many challenges. I long ago came to believe that nothing worth having is ever easy.  But there is a difference between challenge and struggle.  Challenge involves growth and proactive change, while struggle is stagnation and reactive change.  Challenge is deciding to change, while struggle is forced. Many of the challenges in Pathwalking are due to outside influences, some which we can control and some which we cannot.  Recognizing this is the first step towards working