The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Can Gratitude for What You Have Get You What You Desire?

Yes. But it also alters what you genuinely desire in important, positive ways. Overall, I have an amazing life. I’m deeply grateful for all that I have. This begins with the basic necessities. This includes ample food, more than adequate shelter, and enough clothing that I need to donate things I seldom or never wear to a worthwhile charity. Beyond the basic necessities of life – food, clothing, shelter – I am incredibly grateful for the other “needs” that are

Do You Give Your Best and Do Your Best?

This is not in comparison to anyone else. I strive to be the best person that I can be. As a friend, a worker, a family member, a lover – I work to do my best and give my best. However, there is only one person who can judge what my best is. Me. My best is about being genuine, authentic, true to myself, and expending necessary effort. It doesn’t matter what the topic at hand is – nobody else

It’s Time to Walk the Talk and Be My Own Best Advocate

Talk (or writing) is cheap. Action is necessary. My best advocate is me, after all. In 2012, I began to blog once a week. Less than a year and a half later, it became twice a week. From there, I expanded my efforts. I’d said for a long time that I was a writer. And I had evidence of that being true – but not sharable evidence. Blogging regularly led to writing more frequently in general, which in turn led

How Are We More Capable via Genuine, Non-Toxic Positivity?

Genuine, non-toxic positivity opens us to empowerment, potential, and possibilities. Unless you live under a rock, no doubt you feel that the world has gone slightly mad. I could provide lots of examples here – but it’s not necessary. Our fear-based society seems hell-bent on providing more reasons every day to feel uncertain, concerned, distressed, and generally negative. This means that every day we get to choose if we’ll let the fear-base in the collective consciousness of the world dominate

Is Being Genuine and True to Yourself Really All That Important?

Both in the now and the long run, being genuine and true to yourself matters tremendously. How do you react when you encounter someone who is a fake? I’m not writing about someone you later learn is a fake. I mean, right from the outset. They put on airs, they seem confident not quite to the point of arrogance – but nearly so – and they come across as not quite right, slightly off, overwrought, and maybe trying too hard.

Nobody Gets Me – And That’s Okay

Overcoming the desire for people to “get” me is ongoing. I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to make an impression on people. Some of those people are or have been close to me. Family, friends, coworkers, etc. Others have been far more removed. You might be among them. Like most teenagers, I worked hard to “fit in” to this group or that. Mind you, I was never a popular kid – I was (and still am) a geek.

Am I Being True to Myself?

Am I being True to Myself? How does that even work, and what does it mean? For the second time, I am listening to Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles. This is a most outstanding analysis of the writing process, and facing off against what Mr. Pressfield calls “Resistance.” What is resistance in this form? Resistance is the intangible something that whispers in your ear and gets in your way

Speaking Your Truth

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Speaking your truth is an incredible source of positivity. A lot of people may find this hard to believe, but that makes it no less true. When you speak your truth, you open yourself up because you are being your most true, genuine self. While it can be scary to show the world who you are by speaking your truth, it is unbelievably freeing. This is because

Why Create Reality?

I love to create. I began to write fiction when I was nine.  Even with some breaks here and there along the way, I have continued to create characters, worlds, and stories to tell about them. Then, about six years ago, I began to post to this blog weekly.  Pathwalking on Wednesdays was the starting point.  Two years later, I added Positivity every Monday.  Just over a year ago, these posts called Crossing the Bridges came into being. All three

Some thoughts on True Things

Truth.  Most of you reading this know it already.  Those who most need to see this, to fundamentally understand it for what it is, probably won’t.  And even if they did, they would likely dismiss this as liberal bullshit, or some such. Mexicans are not pouring across our border as though the dam is broken.  Not by any stretch of the imagination.  Illegal immigrants are not everywhere, and taking your jobs!  This is simply a great big lie. Refugees are