The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Major Positivity Comes From Recognizing When You Need to Change

But as always, it’s a choice of approach and direction for you to make. The other day, I came to a stark realization. I needed to actively change. This was a matter of looking at all the ways my life has changed since the pandemic – and frankly, all the ways that it hasn’t changed. As I looked at the elements that are my life as it currently is, I saw with stark clarity how I haven’t chosen to change.

How Does Gratitude Help Extinguish the Fires of the World?

It’s too easy to see the world as being on fire. But gratitude can extinguish the flames. The last two years have been insane. Not for me, per se – but on the scale of the Big Picture of the world. Between Trump, COVID-19, ugly social injustices, discrimination, surreal entitlement, blatant lies from many of our so-called leaders and “news” networks, and the seemingly never-ending stream of awfulness – it sure as hell looks like the world is on fire.

How did I End up Here?

The path I am on has not changed, but I did not expect to end up here. This is, however, an unexpected good situation. While on more than one occasion I have found myself at a crossroads in regards to my life and direction, this is different. It’s not a crossroads, nor a path, but an unexpected destination. And I am trying to wrap my head around how I managed to end up here. For the past 10 months, I

Are Extremes Real or Artificial?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The world is seldom the extremes we are presented. There are many reasons why this is so, but the extremes of our world, the polar opposites, are seldom where anyone or anything actually exists. I believe that a lot of the emphasis on the extremes is because they seem easy.  Either/or situations can be made to feel simpler than having more choices on the table.  What’s more,

Positivity is Not Selfish, Is It?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Positivity is not selfish. I recognize that in the face of the world today, and all the insanity nationally and internationally, seeking out positivity for yourself may seem like a selfish notion.  With so many people facing adversity, cruelty, devastation, tangible and intangible bad things, doesn’t it make you selfish if you seek positivity and good things? No, because there are limited things we can all do

Why Does Aligning Head and Heart Matter?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Getting head and heart in sync can build tremendous positivity. However, getting the head (thought) and the heart (feeling) aligned can be challenging. One way to get the head and heart in sync is to be more mindful.  Mindfulness, or awareness, can take us to all kinds of incredible places. This is not awareness of the outside world…it is awareness of ourselves.  It is a matter of

Why Be Better?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The answer for me is simple.  I want to be better because I know I am not at my best. What does that mean?  That means that, on a deeply personal level, I am aware that I am not all that I can be.  There is room for improvement, and I can be better than I am in many ways. Why be better?  Because I desire more

Is the World Yours?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The world is only a terrible place if you accept it as such. You and I, however, have the power to change it for the better.  Yes, I know that this feels like a stretch, but it is still the truth. I am well aware that many terrible things are happening.  Aware doesn’t even begin to cover it.  Spend a minute scrolling through Facebook or Twitter or

How Do We Not Lose Hope?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Don’t lose hope.  I know that the world looks bleak right now, but we can still change it. Yes, there is some pretty awful stuff happening in the world around us.  Terrible people are doing terrible things; threatening to take away rights; disempowering and disenfranchising all for their own interests; shredding the very fabric of our society.  It feels terrible, it is scary and unpleasant and infuriating,

Is It Beneficial To Be Optimistic?

Keeping an optimistic outlook is anything but a weakness. In today’s society, we have a lot of ugly, unpleasant things that get our attention.  Further, we are frequently told that it is important that we “be realistic”, and keep low expectations.  Keep your head down, go to work, do the things, go home. Dreamers are often scorned or shunned for believing that there is more to this life.  We frequently look at people with a sunny disposition or optimistic outlook