The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Communication is The Key

Communication is the key. When you have a problem with someone, you ultimately have the ability to address them about the issue. We human beings are gifted with a myriad of means to communicate. We can talk, text, use hand gestures and body language, and even a combination of most of these to express ourselves to one another. You can tell people things they did not know, or help them to understand your point of view. Or you can choose

How is Communication Key?

Communication is key. It is super easy to take this for granted.  Sure, people talk, they attempt to converse with one another…but all too often, they don’t truly communicate with each other. What’s the difference?  Communication is a two-way street.  Everyone involved both talks and listens.  There is a certain amount of give-and-take, which will take different forms depending on the people involved. Many of the problems in the world today could be resolved if there was actual, factual communication.

Pathwalking 198

It is of the utmost importance that we be aware of how and what we communicate to people. Whether we are talking about indirect forms, direct talk or body language, communication can make a tremendous difference in how we feel, and as such how we are directing our lives. We are currently living in a society positively obsessed with communication. The amazing thing about that, though, is how impersonal and thoughtless this idea has become. I know that historically this