The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do I Know Who I Am?

I have a pretty good idea about who I am. Yes, in some respects I am two people – one in the real world, one in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) – but overall, I am simply me. I wrote about this yesterday at my author website.  But one of the bridges that I am frequently working with is the one between MJ and Malcolm.  Who I am and what I do in the SCA versus the mundane world,

What Do You Take-Away From This?

What you take-away from a less-than-desirable situation is important.  Seeing the good you learned from the bad is the key to this. We all have bad experiences.  There are going to be things that happen that are infuriating, complicated, difficult and unpleasant.  Life cannot always be perfect.  Frankly, if it was, I think we’d all get really really bored of it. When bad things happen – and they will – what you take away from them is important.  If you