The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Much Can You Trust Your Gut Instincts?

Trusting gut instincts depends on mindfulness here and now. Thought and feeling can be easy to define when you’re mindful. Conscious awareness, here and now, lets you know what you’re thinking and what and how you’re feeling. But what about gut instinct? And how is that defined? For me, gut instinct goes deeper than thought or feeling – and is a combination of both. It’s a certain, instinctual awareness that exists somewhere deep within. I can’t explain in words how

What Are You Grateful For and Why Does Gratitude Matter?

Gratitude is the key to everything good and great. I’ll bet that you can easily point to things that you’re lacking. You might have insufficient money, debt, relationship problems, aren’t thin enough, can’t satisfy familial expectations, and so on. Your home isn’t big enough, your car isn’t new enough, tech is outdated, and so forth. There is nobody to blame for this, per se. But it should come as no surprise given that we live in a fear-based society. Often,

Did You Know That What You Believe – Positive or Negative – Is True?

Positive or negative – what you believe is true. Even if you don’t buy into the Law of Attraction – like gravity, thermodynamics, and other elements of nature – it still exists and does its work whether you are conscious of it or not. This is why what you believe is true. At least, from your unique, one-of-a-kind perspective. Every single person on earth has their own perception of reality. Ergo, we all have unique perspectives on life, the universe,

Acceptance Is a Matter of Positivity – And It Starts with Ourselves

Acceptance of ourselves begins all else. For a long time, I was less than fond of myself. All I seemed to be capable of was finding the fault in myself. I was always looking at how I managed to fail at jobs, screw up relationships, and remain overweight. For about two decades, I lived indecisively, constantly finding the flaws in myself, and not accepting all of how I was uniquely me. Sometime in my late 30s, though, that began to

Why Is Maintaining an Abundance Mindset So Challenging?

An abundance mindset often stands against real and imagined aspects of reality. I recognize and acknowledge that my life is good. Not to brag, but in the grand scheme of things, my life is good. I have an incredible partner, jobs I like, a career I love, friends, a roof over my head, and many things above and beyond basics. For this, I am deeply grateful. So many people in the world are not in this position. There’s room for

When I know I Shouldn’t Do That – Why Do I Still Do That?

I shouldn’t do that, but I do. Lack of willpower? Distraction? Something else? Let’s explore. I know that I have an addiction to carbohydrates and sweets. Bread, cookies, pasta, candy, ice cream – everything that is bad for my overall health. This is why we tend to not keep bread, ice cream, and a lot of pasta in the house. However, my wife loves to bake, and bake for our friends – so these things still find their way here.

Is This a Good Idea? It Might Be for Me, But Not for You

Not every good idea is good for everyone. I have lots of ideas. You likely have lots of ideas. Some are ginormous, veritably insurmountable, and lofty as all get-out. Others are more approachable, have paths you can take that people have taken before, and/or roadmaps can be found and employed Most ideas are just ideas. Neither good nor bad. They simply are. And you have them all the time. I’ve been known to spew ideas just because they are fun

Do You Think you’re the Only One Who Ever Gets Stuck?

It’s easy to feel stuck – but you are not the only one. As I started to consider what to write today, I found myself stuck. The usual time I make to do this writing came and went. And still, I felt stuck. Nothing sat right in my head, and I just couldn’t put the words in order. Then I read through my Medium daily digest. And as if the Powers-that-be knew what I needed, multiple articles on a similar

How Do I Get and Stay Out of My Way More Regularly?

I know that it starts with recognizing what it looks like to get in my way. Self-sabotage is just one piece of an intricate puzzle. I am that puzzle. And that is complex because who I am now is both made of and not made of who I was in the past. Then, to complicate that, who I could be can only come from now and not who I was in the past. Lessons learned in the past can be

Can I Please Stop Second-Guessing and Self-Sabotaging Myself?

I would very much like to be done second-guessing and self-sabotaging. Despite the effort I have been making for over a decade to live life on my own terms, choosing my own paths – there is an ongoing challenge I can never seem to shake. Every path I choose, every approach I take, even when I am being super-mindful – I am second-guessing and self-sabotaging. Having just finished reading Gary John Bishop’s Stop Doing that Sh*t: End Self-Sabotage and Demand