The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity is an Attitude

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Positivity is an attitude It goes way beyond thinking and feeling – this is a whole-self attitude. For many years, the power of positive thinking has been hoisted towards the top of the self-help flagpole. While it can be very helpful to think positively, it isn’t always sustainable, because negative things can and will happen, and should not be disregarded. But positivity is not just a matter

Can a Laugh Generate Positivity?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   What makes you laugh? Do you know how much positivity a laugh can generate? Laughter is a gateway to positivity. I know there are lots of times that laughing seems challenging at best. Spend enough time on social media and you will be inundated with plenty of things that are not funny. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do things that make us smile. When you tune

How Is Positivity Worthwhile?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Positivity cannot be created by thought alone.  Neither can it be forced. One of the key tenets of the self-help movement has been the numerous concepts presented to us about the “power of positive thinking”.  What many take away from this notion is that if you think positive, you will create a better life for yourself. The problem is, that’s only half the battle, so to speak. 

What if I am Just Not Feeling It?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   I’m doing all that I can, but I am just not feeling it. For more than four-and-a-half years, I have written about Positivity here, every week, without fail.  Over the past week a number of happenings have left me feeling mostly angry, sad, and not positive. A madman shot up a synagogue, and the unsympathetic President blamed the victims.  Another madman sent out bombs to prominent opponents

Can You Leave Your Comfort Zones?

Comfort zones are both comforting, and comfortable. It is within our comfort zones that we know what to expect.  They are familiarity, they are the known.  A comfort zone is like a luxurious down blanket, soothing and warming. Nobody likes to step out of their comfort zones.  The unknown is outside of them, and the unknown can be intimidating, scary, unexpected, and downright terrifying. So it should come as no surprise that the only way to truly grow in this

Life is Energy

Life is energy, and energy is life. When we lose people dear to us, their energy has not gone…it has been transmuted back to the Universe. We will miss the people we care about when they leave us.  Their energy may be gone from our lives, but it is not truly gone.  Energy can never be created nor destroyed, just transformed into a new form. As I am sitting at my desk writing this, I am witnessing the sun rising

Five Questions for Restoring Positivity

Restoring Positivity can be challenging. Here in the United States, we have recently been inundated by messages of hatred, intolerance, bigotry and worse.  Active hate groups are feeling empowered by certain elements of our government, and have been spewing their venom unabashedly. Hard to feel positive in the face of this.  And yet, Positivity is the key to overcoming the hate. Here are five questions which will help us to restore our Positivity when we are feeling powerless, sad, angry,