The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

An Opportunity to Restart

There are many times where options for restarting or starting anew offer you an opportunity to find or create positivity. Today is the start of the Jewish New Year. L’Shana Tovah to all of those who celebrate. Like the Gregorian New Year that we celebrate every January 1st, this day presents a specific opportunity to begin anew, make a fresh start, and as such to find and/or create some new positivity in your life. You get any number of calendar

How Do You Hit the Reset Button?

Everybody needs a chance to hit the reset button. Whether it is merely for a few minutes, a night, or an extended vacation, hitting the reset button is essential to our wellbeing.  We might have things that need to be done on a regular basis, but we still need to rest and relax from time to time.  That is what it means to hit the reset button. Despite negative connotations in the idea of rest and relaxation, such as slacking

How Does Renewal Effect Positivity?

Renewal is frequently the theme for people at the start of the new year. While change is constant and inevitable, we frequently resist it.  One exception for this, however, is New Years’ Eve. Many people formulate a New Years’ Resolution.   They resolve to change something in their life.  Frequently, this is diet or exercise related.  They look to a change they want to make, and attach it to the fresh year. Resolutions are not much of a commitment.  It’s thought