The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Is It That Uncertainty is Always So Certain?

How can you recognize, accept, and even find positivity in uncertainty? I’ve written time and again that the one and only constant in the Universe is change. It’s the only constant, but by no means the only universal truth. There are others. These include the fact that every single person on the planet – you, me, and everyone – will experience these three things: Birth, life, and death. The simplicity of this notion can feel harsh to some. But on

Major Positivity Comes From Recognizing When You Need to Change

But as always, it’s a choice of approach and direction for you to make. The other day, I came to a stark realization. I needed to actively change. This was a matter of looking at all the ways my life has changed since the pandemic – and frankly, all the ways that it hasn’t changed. As I looked at the elements that are my life as it currently is, I saw with stark clarity how I haven’t chosen to change.

How Do You Perceive and Handle Your Own Flaws and Imperfections?

Everyone is flawed and imperfect. Do you embrace or resist your flaws and imperfections? Nobody is perfect. And I mean NOBODY. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you came from, or anything else at all that you can think of – NOBODY IS PERFECT. What’s more – perfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. That which you might identify as perfect I might see as an imperfect, ridiculous mess. And vice versa. Everyone has flaws and

I’m Not Feeling at all Flustered and Stressed – You’re Stressed!

Yeah, that’s a lie. I’m feeling flustered and stressed. But what comes next is on me. Let’s talk about the great big elephant in the room. Feeling stressed. Virtually everyone deals with stress from time to time. Deadlines, pressures to do things from within and without, expectations, and many other things can be stressors in our lives. Even when you seek to carve your own path in life – it is not stress-free. I don’t care who they are –

Is It Empowering to Acknowledge That I Know That I Don’t Know That?

Recognizing that I don’t know that opens me to options to learn, grow, and control change. There are some things I know a lot about. And there are even more things that I know a little about. This can be both incredibly useful – and slightly dangerous. Useful, because I perceive what I realize to the extent that I know it. Be it something I know a little or a lot about – what I already discern has limits. There

Am I Worthy and Deserving?

I am worthy and deserving of awesomeness in my life. It’s interesting how often I need to remind myself of this.  There have been many instances where I do not feel as though I deserve to have the things I desire in my life. Crossing the Bridges is the most personal of my weekly posts.  I am exploring not only my philosophies and approaches to life, but my actual, factual life. In Positivity I pointed out that YOU are amazing! 

Do You Know That You Are Amazing?

You are an amazing individual. No, really.  I might not know you in the slightest, but I can honestly tell you that you are an amazing person.  We may disagree about any number of topics, we may have totally different and diametrically opposed backgrounds, but I can still tell you that you are an amazing individual. People tend to not give themselves enough credit.  We look for our faults, we work on the things about ourselves that are flawed…but this