The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What Can We Americans Do About This?

My fellow Americans. It is time to take action.  We are under siege, and we are being terrorized.  Not by some foreign power, not by armed militias in the streets…but by our own President. President Trump is unfit for this office.  If you do not see this for what it is, then I feel rather sorry for you.  This man is in a position of authority and power which he is not just unqualified for, but dangerously uninformed and unprepared

Election 2016

I am sorry if this offends you, but I feel rather strongly about this, so I am going to say it. This is the reality of the situation.  We have two choices for President.  Trump or Clinton.  Unless you agree with a self-aggrandizing, hate-mongering, sexist, racist narcissist, it is in your best interest to vote for Clinton.  She may well be the status quo, and a corporate shill, but that is of far less import than we give it.  I

Election 2016

I am sorry if this offends you, but I feel rather strongly about this, so I am going to say it. This is the reality of the situation.  We have two choices for President.  Trump or Clinton.  Unless you agree with a self-aggrandizing, hate-mongering, sexist, racist narcissist, it is in your best interest to vote for Clinton.  She may well be the status quo, and a corporate shill, but that is of far less import than we give it.  I