The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

This is Your Permission Slip

Because the Universe ultimately gives you permission to choose any path. There is an unfortunate undercurrent in our society that keeps people down. And it’s made up of some of the most convoluted mixed messages you can imagine. We are constantly shown how people should “stand up for themselves” and “stand on their own two feet” and “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” and the like. Be tough, and strong, and firm. Go to it, go at it, go for

Who Gives You Permission?

You need nobody’s permission to walk your own path in life. But you will receive an awful lot of advice, and help both useful and not from people. When you decide to walk your own path, if, like mine, it is in any way unconventional, people will question it.  When enough people question what you have chosen, inevitably YOU will begin to question it, too. We all have people in our lives who feel they have carte blanche in regards