The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do You Need to Do Impressive Things to Make a Difference in the World?

No. You just need to do the best and be the best you can. I’m a big fan of audiobooks. When I recently came across Chris Hadfield’s An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth and saw he was also the narrator, I had to download it. If you’re unfamiliar with Colonel Chris Hadfield, he’s a Canadian Astronaut who’s been to space 3 times, the last as commander of the International Space Station (ISS). He’s also an excellent singer, songwriter, and

Fitting in and Being Liked

Fitting in and being liked are not all that important when all is said and done. Throughout my teen years and well into my thirties, I really wanted to fit in. Not necessarily in the grand scheme of society – but within the structures that I spent time in. Before high school, I spent my formative years as an outsider. I was the odd, fat, short Jewish kid from the single-parent home in our very Lutheran Midwest suburban neighborhood. In

To Not Get Together with Family This Year is Good

To not get together with family this year increases the odds of doing so next year. This is an ugly truth. But, as a result of people choosing to get together at Thanksgiving, the numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths have been ramping up. This week ends with Christmas, which for many people represents the biggest of family gatherings. However, the pandemic is NOT over. Yes, there is a vaccine – but it’s important to recognize a vaccine is NOT

Speak Up and Be Heard!

The silent majority CANNOT remain silent. The time to speak up and be heard is NOW. I recently read an article that lamented the massive social collapse of the United States. To say it was depressing and disheartening barely covers it. It did make one very important point to me. The silent majority must no longer be silent. We can’t keep reacting to what is going on in this country. It is time to be proactive. Before it’s truly too

There Is No One Philosophy for All

There is no one philosophy for all. It doesn’t matter what you do or do not believe, there is more than one philosophy out there. When I began to write about the notion of Pathwalking for conscious reality creation it did not start out as my personal philosophy of life, the Universe, and everything. But over time, that’s what it has become. Yet my philosophy has taken much of its tenets and ideals from the philosophies and life ideas of

You Get to Practice Kindness Daily

You Get to Practice Kindness Daily Like many things in life, this is a choice. All too often, I encounter stories about the terrible things certain people are doing to other people. They are mean, selfish, unkind, inhumane, and often rather astounding. It makes me wonder when it became acceptable to be rude, discourteous, and otherwise inconsiderate? The when doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that I know that I am capable of acting in a way to turn

Who Are You Trying to Impress?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Who are you trying to impress? You may find the answer to this enlightening. I have spent a great deal of my life working to live up to the expectations of others. Some of this has been in my real day-to-day life, while some has been in my hobby life. In either case, the notion that I needed to impress person ‘x’ or group ‘y’ would dominate

Positivity Sets Your Frequency

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Positivity can raise your frequency to improve life daily. Everything is energy. Whether it is the smallest subatomic particle or the largest star in the cosmos, the base of everything is energy. All energy vibrates and vibrates at a frequency. Like an older radio with a dial, you can tune into various frequencies, and sometimes you will get static while other times you get signal. Higher frequency

Are Extremes Real or Artificial?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The world is seldom the extremes we are presented. There are many reasons why this is so, but the extremes of our world, the polar opposites, are seldom where anyone or anything actually exists. I believe that a lot of the emphasis on the extremes is because they seem easy.  Either/or situations can be made to feel simpler than having more choices on the table.  What’s more,

Is the World Yours?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The world is only a terrible place if you accept it as such. You and I, however, have the power to change it for the better.  Yes, I know that this feels like a stretch, but it is still the truth. I am well aware that many terrible things are happening.  Aware doesn’t even begin to cover it.  Spend a minute scrolling through Facebook or Twitter or