The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What Would You Do If You Could Do Anything At All?

No limitations, no restrictions, no caveats, just do the thing you desire to do. Lots of people talk about bucket lists. Those things they would do without restrictions, obligations, financial issues, and so on. Additionally, lots of people have things they will do when they have enough money, lose enough weight, get that promotion, publish the book, dump the dead-weight relationship, and so on. Get that one thing done, the prerequisite must be met, and then you do the thing.

To Live Life, If Not Today, When?

The best time to live is now. Apologies if this is triggering, but I need to say it anyhow. You could die tomorrow. Death tends to be the most terrifying topic for many people. The thought of no longer being, the questions of what – if anything – might come after this life has led to debates, arguments, and wars. Somehow, we still ignore that it’s inevitable. Life ends at death. That’s the nature of every living thing that we

You Can Always Take Back the Wheel on Your Life Path

Who’s driving this life anyway? It’s all too easy to get distracted and unwittingly allow outside influences to take the wheel and do the driving. Much of this is due to modern society’s near obsession with automation, ease, instant gratification, and the like. This obsession leads to doing more and more by rote, routine, and habit. So much so that even personal matters take that form, too. Rote, routine, and habit aren’t part of the conscious human mind, but rather

Is There Always a Path to Choose?

Yes, but you alone can decide on it. Everyone experiences at least two “New Years” annually. One is the change of the calendar, December 31 into January 1. The other is your birthday and the change of the year for you and your life. With the start of a new year, many people set goals and make various plans to a greater or lesser extent for what their life might look like. At the start of the calendar year, there

Mindfulness Isn’t Just About the Mind

The whole body is impacted by active conscious awareness practice. Given that it’s right there in the name – mindfulness – it’s easy to presume this is all about the mind. While that’s mostly true, it’s only a portion of the truth. Everything begins with thought. Thought happens on three levels – unconscious, subconscious, and conscious. The unconscious is how you breathe automatically, digest, blink, and fire the neurons that move the muscles to lift your arm into the air

What If The Meaning Of Life Is The Simplest Thing Ever?

What if it’s staring us all right in the face? The quest to find the meaning of life has occupied the human mind for most of recorded history. Why are we here? What are we doing? What’s the answer to the question of life, the Universe, and Everything? (That one we know – it’s 42). It’s easy to argue that philosophy, religion, and science are all on the exact same quest – to discover the meaning of life. Each has

What Is a Cost Analysis of Life Choices?

Every choice you make has a cost. This is highly variable and subjective. Sir Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This is applicable, however, beyond the laws of motion. For anything and everything that you do – literal or figurative – there will be a reaction. Some approach this from the notion that actions have consequences. I look at it as every choice you make is an action you

Should You Open Yourself Up and Share With More People?

You alone have the answer – but here’s why I think it’s YES. Secrets can be useful in many ways. When it comes to national security, for example, certain secrets keep people from hacking into various systems and shutting down the power grid or something equally bad. Secrets also can make room for surprises. You can’t throw a good surprise party for someone if you don’t make secret plans and keep that someone out of the loop. But secret-keeping can

How Do You Release an Emotion You Can’t Identify?

Working with an emotion you can’t give a name to is challenging. As I strive to walk my chosen paths in life, I find that there are times I must confront subconscious matters. Many of these get tied to old, outdated beliefs and values. Some are tied to habits. All of these exist in the subconscious and can only, thus, be accessed consciously with effort. Thoughts and feelings are tenets of the present. Hence, they can only be truly known

Why is The Unknown Path So Damned Scary?

Because it’s unknown – and thus, uncertain. On the one hand, I’ve never been one for plans, lists, and the like. It’s always felt genuine and true to myself to be more improvisational in my approach to life. On the other hand, I’m a Virgo. Sometimes I get utterly ordered and freakishly clean, arrange, and set stuff up. When it comes to choosing and walking a given path in my life, this can be challenging. Loose and ready for anything

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