The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why the Language You Use Reflects Your Approach

Connecting mindfulness more clearly. Words matter. What you say often reflects your inner being and provides insight into your thoughts, feelings, intentions, and approach. Approach is a recent addition to my view toward active conscious awareness – i.e., mindfulness. Yet, on close examination, it holds up with the rest of the bits and pieces that go into it. Thought is where everything that makes you, you, begins. Not only that, but thought is how all things in the world today,

How Can Negativity Possibly Be Empowering?

Negativity is an unexpected teacher. Positivity, the opposite of negativity, is empowering. In a fear-based society, overloaded with fake lack, scarcity, and insufficiency, positivity is necessary. There is, however, a catch. You can’t have positivity without negativity. The mistake that toxic positivity makes is its utter denial of negativity. Toxic positivity tells you to blot out negativity, ignore it, put blinders on to it, avoid it, and disregard it. That is, however, impossible. Shit happens. No matter who you are,

Every Day You Get to Choose Your Life Approach

This is incredibly empowering for us all. Over the years, I’ve made some adjustments and alterations to how I define mindfulness. Specifically, what goes into it. Mindfulness, as I define it, is active conscious awareness. It’s the practice of being actively, consciously aware of your mindset/headspace/psyche self, here and now. In the present, the only time that’s really, truly, real. Initially, I quantified what went into practicing mindfulness as knowing what you’re thinking, how and what you’re feeling, and what

Why Does Your Approach to Life Matter?

Your approach is a choice that determines if you merely survive, simply exist, or thrive. The status quo never lasts. Never. That’s because change is the one and only constant in the Universe. Like it or not, work with it or ignore it, you cannot avoid it. Change can, will, and does happen. Recognizing this is huge. Accepting it is even larger. Everything you know is subject to change. If you don’t believe it, apply it to yourself. Are you

Why is it Always Better to Choose Than Not to Choose?

Choice is how you can take control of your life experience. Quite possibly the single greatest superpower that we have is choice. The rest of the animal kingdom on this planet largely have a very set life path. Survive, find food and shelter, propagate the species, protect them, and keep surviving. Simple, really. Humans, however, have choices, like to merely survive or thrive. Some are the product of environment, privilege, birth, etc. However, most are inherent to all and are

How Does Your Approach to The Unknown Matter?

Your choice of approach always impacts your outcome. In part because I blanked and forgot to take my meds for the first time in ages yesterday; partially because the weather is grey and it’s cold; in part because of a contentious email chain; partially due to anxiety over the surreal insanity of this election year, I am feeling lost, frustrated, and depressed. The reason is simple. The unknown. Everything above represents an unknown. Forgetting my meds is impacting me physically,

Why Do I Keep Pushing Genuine, Non-Toxic Positivity?

Because the world needs more genuine positivity to combat the fear. Whether we like it or not, we live in a fear-based society. All around us are messages aimed to keep us afraid. Why? This might come across as cynical, but I can’t disprove it: Because capitalism demands sales. One of the best ways to get people to buy goods and services is via fear. Fear of lack, scarcity, and not getting what’s rightfully yours. A fear of the “other”,

Why Is It So Hard to Just Be Yourself?

Nobody is at fault or to blame, but neither does anyone tend to teach you this. Two of the most distressing things that dominate our society are the expectations of others and the “shoulds.” Early in our lives, before we’re even scientifically capable of self-awareness, our parents and other family members guide us. Eventually it moves from guidance to direction. Instilling good habits in the young is very useful throughout life. Brush your teeth twice a day, fasten your seatbelt

Why is Real Positivity About A Choice of Approach?

Positivity is a choice that combines thought, feeling, intent, and action. There is no telling what life will hand you today. No matter what you plan or prepare for, shit happens. People disappoint you, expectations aren’t met, and life will throw you curve balls out of nowhere. One day you might think, hey, it’s only a quarter mile to the post office, and the weather doesn’t suck. I should walk rather than drive. A great idea, until you wake up

How Do You Respond to Upsetting, Annoying, and Disappointing Things That Happen?

Not the initial, visceral response, but what you do next. I’m about to publish my first new book in 2 years. This is super exciting because this book is the conclusion to the series I’ve been working on since 2015. Saturday morning, before departing for an all-day event 2 hours away, I checked my email. The eBook variation – available for pre-order – had been canceled. WTAF? They claim I didn’t upload the final file in time. But I’m completely

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