The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Be Mindful of Everything You Consume?

No matter what it is – food, media, entertainment, drugs – you have ultimate control. Consumption isn’t only about food and drink. It’s also about what you watch, read, listen to, see, and take in. Ours is the ultimate consumer society. Never before in the history of the human race have the majority been able to consume anything and everything. Overall, people can connect, communicate, learn, and consume vast amounts of anything you can conceive of, tangible or intangible. Yes,

How Do You Choose To Feel Today?

Do you want to feel good or bad today?  Positive or negative?  Empowered or disempowered? Despite the insanity of the world at large, or our jobs, or our families and friends, or any other outside influences, WE get to choose how we want to feel.  It’s our decision to feel good or bad, strong or weak, empowered or disempowered. This feels like a lie, doesn’t it?  Welcome to Monday, the start of the work week.  Oh look at the continued

Why Does the World Need More Positivity?

The world needs more positivity. Why?  Because when we feel positive, we feel good.  When we feel good, we enhance the ability to draw more good to ourselves.  As such, we empower ourselves.  When we are empowered, we are capable of almost anything. Unfortunately, we are living in a fear-based society.  We are inundated with negativity, we are told that there is lack and scarcity, and that we should fear the unknown, the untested, and the unfamiliar.  We sensationalize things

Things we should care about – versus – things we should not

I am going to overly-simplify this, because I think we have lost sight of the things we should care about, versus the things that are really not all that important in the grand scheme of life, the universe and everything. Here is a list, in no particular order, of things we should care about: Our health The health of our friends and family Our welfare The welfare of our friends and family. Our happiness. The happiness of our friends and

Pathwalking 138

There is some scary stuff happening in the world around us right now. In the United States we have this surreal situation in Missouri. I had really thought we left the hatred and fear and racism of the 1960’s back in the 20th century, but we seem to have all of that back again here and now. In the Ukraine we have separatists who are likely backed by the Russians stirring up nationalistic troubles. The Israelis and Palestinians of the

Positivity: Fantasy

Sometimes the mind needs an escape. Fantasy is a wonderful means to that end.  Fantasy, in its many and varied forms, can not only provide an excellent escape for the mind, it can also awaken new ideas and deeper creativity. I love being able to experience fantasy.  In addition to all the amazing and wondrous things we humans can create, we can develop stories in incredible places on worlds that only come to being from creative minds. Throughout history fantasy

Our society and attitudes about rape

Rapists are never the victim. Shame on anyone who believes otherwise.  Anyone who committed an act of rape and was found guilty is a criminal.  Period. Rape has very little to do with sex.  Rape is about power.  Dominance.  Aggression. Anyone who is a victim of rape should receive care, should receive sympathy and assistance.  They should not receive scorn, derision, or shaming. I am astounded that our society today leans towards explaining away a terrible crime, focusing on a