The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Am I a Puzzle Piece?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   We are all a puzzle piece in this world.  We all fit together…but not always one with the other. Every single one of us is connected.  We all come from the same source, the same oversoul, or if you prefer, God/Goddess, Powers-that-be, etc.  As such, we are all one, or at least all part of the greater whole. Each of us is a puzzle piece that makes

How Does Loss Effect You?

Loss is a part of Pathwalking. Because life is ever changing, and because we are not static creatures, we will experience losses along our paths.  Some are good for us, some less so.  The hardest loss to take is that of a friend or loved one. When we lose people, grief is different for every one of us.  In a society where we often look at the “norms”, how we grieve is one of those things that no two people

How do you Pathwalk with a Partner?

How do you and a partner walk your paths together? This question came to mind as I considered that my wife and I have different goals and aspirations for our professional lives.  I want to share why for us this is not problematic, and how I think we strengthen and reinforce one another in walking our separate paths together. There are some important points to keep in mind here.  No matter who you are, you cannot walk anyone’s path but