The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Are You Stronger Than Depression?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You are stronger than depression. Depression is a liar.  Depression will tell you all kinds of things about who you are, and they are all lies.  It tells you that you are unworthy, undeserving, and that all bad things are what you can have. But you are worthy, and deserving, and all good things are what you can have.  Depression is lying to you, and though I

Can You Know Too Much?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   It is good to gain knowledge.  But is there a line between knowing, and when you know too much? Previously I wrote about the topic of knowing.  As I opined there, the key to knowing is to recognize that for the most part, we know far less than we think. So if that is the case, is it even possible to know too much?  And if so,

Five Actions for Spreading Positivity

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Spreading positivity is not that hard. For some people, this is the best time of the year…while for others, it is the worst.  Gatherings with families, friends and loved ones can be fantastic or fatalistic, warm and pleasant or icy and disturbing, and can pick us up or knock us down. Whether positive or negative, emotions tend to run high this time of year.  It is for

How Does it Feel to Be Thankful?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   What does it feel like to be thankful? I discuss gratitude here a great deal, because of its necessity in conscious reality creation.  Moreover, I frequently explain that thought, and words of the thought, are not enough.  Feeling is an essential element in this manifestation process. It is really easy to say thank you.  Two words, pretty straightforward.  But the in-depth expression of gratitude, to be thankful

What is Morality?

This post contains affiliate links. For more info, see my disclosures here.   Morality is a matter that gets skirted around a lot these days. Unless you are living under a rock, and to some degree I kind of envy you if you are, you see the travesty happening in the United States Senate currently.  The hearings for the President’s Supreme Court nominee are a total circus.  Despite multiple accusations of sexual misconduct, there is almost an entire party, comprised

Positivity Can be Found Anywhere

Positivity can be found anywhere. How does the game Cards Against Humanity have anything to do with positivity?  Believe me when I tell you, it can generate massive positivity. If you’re unfamiliar with the game, you are dealt out a number of white cards with various words and phrases, some benign, some…various degrees of raunchy and/or gross and/or nonsensical.  Then, you draw from the black cards, which usually have any range of one to three blank spots you fill in,

What do You do With Your Personal Demons?

We all have our personal demons.  They manifest in different ways, sometimes they are subtle, sometimes overt.  They are the things that keep us from going to the places we wish to go in life. Personal demons can manifest as the devil on your shoulder, the voice inside your head telling you that you’re not good enough, smart enough, worthy or deserving.  Brain weasels or brain squirrels, whichever rodent you identify, are another manifestation of the personal demon. This can

How Do You Be Happy?

Let’s be happy. Doesn’t that sound like a fantastic idea? What do we have to do to be happy? That’s the challenge we all face.  In especial when we’re inundated with lack, scarcity, and messages of exclusion, hate, and fear.  Hard to find happy when there are so many messages that are the opposite. It is time to take back our power and do what it takes to be happy. It might be something grand, like taking a vacation or

Is There Really More Than Enough?

There is more than enough for everyone. We live in an abundant universe.  There are more than enough resources, opportunities, companions, friends and lovers for everyone. Material or immaterial, there is more than enough.  Money, cars, homes, food, clothing, joy, love, essentials and non-essentials, there is more than enough. The biggest lie we are fed by those enjoying the illusion of being in power is that we do not have enough.  They use fear of a lack, scarcity, and an

Will You Be Silent?

Do not be silent when you need to shout. See atrocities happening?  Feel angry, distressed, disturbed, incensed?  Make your voice be heard, and tell them this will not stand. We are being bombarded by almost surreal amounts of negativity.  There are some pretty terrible things happening out there, and they cannot be ignored.  No matter how much we try to stay away from all this bad news, it is impossible not to recognize the awful things that are happening. Hard