The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Atonement from What?

Today is the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.  It is the holiest day of the year in Judaism.  It is on this day that those who practice Judaism ask God to forgive them for all the sins they may have committed during the year, and once again inscribe them into the Book of Life for the New Year. I was born and raised Jewish, and used to attend services every Yom Kippur, and as is tradition I would fast on

What Do I Choose?

What I choose is what is best for me. Nobody but me can choose what I want for my life.  Why?  Because there is nobody else inside my head. People question people’s life choices all the time.  I don’t know if it’s a schadenfreude thing, or a judgement thing, or something else.  We talk about it all the time, and we frequently discuss how we might have chosen differently, or comment about disagreeing with choices that have been made. It’s